CarmineOptions / konoha

A toolkit for DAO-like governance on Starknet
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ODHack: Implement Unit and Integration Tests for Upgrades #92

Closed tensojka closed 3 weeks ago

tensojka commented 1 month ago

Definition of Done

Unit Tests Implementation

Implement unit tests for the following scenarios:

Integration tests

Documentation and Contribution Guidelines

Ensure all new tests are documented and are formatted with scarb fmt.

Contribution Guidelines Please refer to for info on how to claim the task.

Note to Contributors:

Ensure you run all tests and verify their correctness before submitting your pull request. Include detailed descriptions and comments in your code to explain the purpose and functionality of each test. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to open an issue or reach out to me in the Telegram group. Thank you for your contributions!

EjembiEmmanuel commented 1 month ago

@tensojka I'd love to work on this

Jemiiah commented 1 month ago

@tensojka can I work on this issue

tensojka commented 1 month ago

@EjembiEmmanuel @Jemiiah Please refer to the contributor guidelines for info on how to claim the task...

ptisserand commented 1 month ago

Hi @tensojka can I work on this issue ? I have already used stakrnet-foundry for smart contract testing and I think it could be done in 3 working days.

tensojka commented 1 month ago

@ptisserand Great, assigned you. Once you have at least something ready, please open a draft PR so I can give you feedback along the way.