CarnetApp / CarnetNextcloud

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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All notes desapeared from Carnet... but seem to still exist in memory #183

Open cainbantam opened 2 years ago

cainbantam commented 2 years ago


this morining Carnet seems to have lost track with my notes! There still is the .carnet folder with the "cache" subfolder with my username subfolder in it with specific folders for my notes inside.

But Carnet doesn't display the notes. I tried to update the note path in the settings but to no avail.

This catastrophic for the app reliability! I think you should fix that urgently! I will go back to simple text notes in .md format now for I cannot afford loosing my notes again.

Bests regards.

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cainbantam commented 2 years ago

Ok, so the notes are also in a folder called /home/Documents/Quicknotes. I happened to erase this folder but it was restored somehow (apparently it is syncronized with my desktop in my Ubuntu settings. But Carnet doesn't access it.

Miyamoto72 commented 2 years ago

Sounds very similar to the problems I've been facing: #181

tiagovaz commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. Happened twice already. All notes gone :\

michel-thomas commented 1 year ago

The same here on MacBook and syncing with Mac system. Any idea to restore them? Thanks

Nextcloud 23.0.6 ; Carnet 0.24.5 ; PHP 8.0.22 ; Apache 2.4.38 ; MariaDB 10.3.34