CarolHsu / tutorial

This is for Django Girls
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About the Django version used in this tutorial #2

Open Anthonyeef opened 8 years ago

Anthonyeef commented 8 years ago


I am currently using this tutorial as the beginning of learning Django. And I just found that if Chapter 6 「安裝 Django」, if following the code in the post run pip install django==1.6.6 would cause some problems later when running python syncdb.

The reason is here. In short it's some problem with the python 3.5, which is the latest version of python now.

And the solution is quite easy. Just run pip install django at the beginning and install the latest version of django. The developer already notice the issue and have it here, later they fixed it in the newest version of django. So simply install the latest version would solve this immediately.

What's more, using the latest version of django is fine for this project you demo in the book.

Anthonyeef commented 8 years ago

Also I just check the origin repo of the django girls tutorial and found that they already change the content of this chapter. You can see it here:

CarolHsu commented 8 years ago

@Anthonyeef thanks for your feedback! In fact I was pending this project for a long time, I'll change it when I have time. Also welcome to send any pull request to this repo :+1:

Anthonyeef commented 8 years ago

I really want to make contribution to this repository actually... but there is a little problem. I am currently studying in Taiwan and know Chinese quite well, but I am from mainland China and more used to simple Chinese... you know there would be quite a lot difference in the word we use for computer science, for example 「記憶體」and 「內存」is actually the same thing...