CarterA / Tribo

Extremely fast static site generator written in Objective-C
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Developer documentation #19

Open CarterA opened 12 years ago

CarterA commented 12 years ago

We need documentation for end-users, but we also need documentation for developers. Tribo is meant to be open and accessible for hackers, so an overview of the architecture of the whole system would be helpful. I don't think we necessarily need Doxygen-style documentation for every single method of every single class, but getting oriented in a project with zero documentation can be tough.

Developer documentation would also include information about the file format, how templates are set up, and how you could write import and export scripts.

sgoodwin commented 12 years ago

Also, an up-to-date object dependency graph would be handy. Even better if it had explanations added in.

CarterA commented 12 years ago

Yep. A good run through objc-deps and a lot of cleanup in OmniGraffle would do us a lot of good.