CarterA / Tribo

Extremely fast static site generator written in Objective-C
42 stars 6 forks source link

Good old fashioned errors instead of explosions and better warnings. #2

Closed sgoodwin closed 12 years ago

sgoodwin commented 12 years ago

Fixed the things the warnings/analyzer pointed out. I imagine you'll have some feedback, so feel free. This way Tribo doesn't explode when it isn't fed content exactly the way it likes and it can just tell the user how they messed up.

CarterA commented 12 years ago

This looks fantastic! I've been meaning to do this, blah blah blah, thank you for taking care of it. I'll look through all the code and make sure I'm OK with everything in the commits.

CarterA commented 12 years ago

Not to be too obsessive about code formatting, but the if statements you added follow this format: if(condition){ while mine are all if (condition) {. Yeah, I know that's annoying, but consistent code formatting helps keep me sane.

sgoodwin commented 12 years ago

I'll fix the ifs.

CarterA commented 12 years ago

Alright, everything looks great!