CarterA / Tribo

Extremely fast static site generator written in Objective-C
42 stars 6 forks source link

This lets Tribo support sudden termination. #9

Closed sgoodwin closed 12 years ago

sgoodwin commented 12 years ago

Sudden Termination is disabled when Tribo is actually regenerating the site, but otherwise it can be killed instantly at any time.

sgoodwin commented 12 years ago

PS: this closes #6

PPS: Do the file-watcher notifications always come in on the main thread?

CarterA commented 12 years ago

The file watcher callback isn't the only place where the site gets generated. Pressing the "Preview" button will generate the site once before opening up Safari. Should automatic termination be disabled for that as well?

sgoodwin commented 12 years ago

Yeah, anywhere generation starts, sudden termination should be disabled. Otherwise you end up with a half-updated site.