CarterCommunity / Carter

Carter is framework that is a thin layer of extension methods and functionality over ASP.NET Core allowing code to be more explicit and most importantly more enjoyable.
MIT License
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Profile Carter #115

Closed jchannon closed 2 years ago

jchannon commented 6 years ago

After the lovely @benaadams added Carter to the TechEmpower perf tests MVC was fractionally faster on plain text.

After reading the results at 9am they sent me down a nasty path of drug and alcohol abuse. I had an existential crisis and questioned my sanity. I didn't listen to friends and ignored their advice. Luckily I passed out the other side a better man. By 9.30am I was back ready to take on the beast.

So we need to run some profiling to see if we can see any hot spots in the code because in theory Carter should be faster, it's just a wrapper over RoutingMiddleware.


jchannon commented 6 years ago

My initial guess, and it is a guess is that we resolve status code handlers, the module, ILoggerFactory per request and that might be an issue when you're hitting 1m req/sec

chrissie1 commented 6 years ago

More alcohol and drugs.