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Add optional DependencyContextAssemblyCatalog in AddCarter #136

Closed tomzo closed 5 years ago

tomzo commented 5 years ago

TL;DR assembly scanning does not work in all cases as one might expect. E.g. entry assembly is not the one with carter modules when running tests with

dotnet restore
dotnet publish -c Release
dotnet packages/build/xunit.runner.console/tools/netcoreapp2.0/xunit.console.dll tests/MyTests/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish/MyTests.dll

No carter modules would be found then and it returns 404 on everything.

  1. This is not breaking the API or current behavior in any way.
  2. Otherwise a patch in AddCarter is needed in practically all projects which run tests with carter modules.

In practice same as #88 but rebased on current master.

I know there is work going on adding bootstrapper #122 but that seems won't be merged any time soon. This is a small patch for now.

jchannon commented 5 years ago


Did you see the comment in the earlier issue where we tried to handle this?

tomzo commented 5 years ago


Sorry I don't get how that sample is helping, or if you want me to show you my project structure. But here is a solution with 2 projects including tests and basically running ./ would fail tests with 404 if AddCarter is not patched

You would have to revert to get the error.

tomzo commented 5 years ago

@jchannon can you either merge or close this? I'd like to know if I should start releasing internally my patched version of Carter package or I can expect this to be upstream some time soon.

jchannon commented 5 years ago

Thanks 👍