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Swagger / OpenAPI Support combined with .NET Catch All Routes #261

Closed Dreamwalker666 closed 2 years ago

Dreamwalker666 commented 3 years ago


I hit a problem that I have a catch all route "/key/{**path}"

Now this causes a problem with the Swagger UI it sends that exact string for the argument of path over the wire.

How UI displays image

Over the wire it sends GET{*path} instead of using the specified parameter.

But I also am assuming an auto generated client will get the same issue as the UI as wildcards are not part of the OpenAPI standard as of yet.


This obviously stems from the fact that OpenAPI doesn't support catch all routes.

Now what I am thinking is we should have a way to override the route information sent out this could be as simple as RouteMetaData.EndpointRoute = "/key/{path}" RouteMetaData.EndpointRoute = null // Default uses route from actual endpoint

I did consider it should translate maybe .NET Routing -> OpenAPI Route but I think that is overkill as generally it would just work and for anything that doesn't you can put the specification in your self to match the correct OpenAPI for you case.

Dreamwalker666 commented 3 years ago

I've manage to have a look into the code. While my idea would work your already doing template translation.

The (z.IsCatchAll ? "*" : string.Empty) part of the path generation is adding the which breaks the UI. I am struggling to find in the OpenAPI docs what means to open api it does not mention it?

Dreamwalker666 commented 3 years ago

Ok more digging :)

I think I located the issue. The path generated is "/key/{path}" but the operations name does not match it's currently "path" if I change this in the online editor to "path" it generates the correct curl request.

The error it reports is:

Semantic error at paths./key/{path} Path parameter "path" must have the corresponding {path} segment in the "/key/{path}" path Jump to line 24

Dreamwalker666 commented 3 years ago

I had another play and removed (z.IsCatchAll ? "*" : string.Empty) on a local build.

That fixes my issues and lets me continue work. But I'm not suggesting that's the solution was more to prove it was just the ref and parameter mismatch causing the issues in the OpenAPI schema that is currently generated.

jchannon commented 3 years ago

I wonder if something changed somewhere, maybe the UI, it might be different again now as the OpenApi version Carter outputs is a bit behind what the current released version is.

We also have only one integration test for OpenAPI which doesn't have a catchall route in it so could probably do with adding that in there.

Good job for getting stuck in though and glad it works for you

jchannon commented 2 years ago

Carter 6 will use ASP.NET Core OpenAPI implementation