CarterCommunity / Carter

Carter is framework that is a thin layer of extension methods and functionality over ASP.NET Core allowing code to be more explicit and most importantly more enjoyable.
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Error On Register IN DI #328

Closed Mubark-p closed 9 months ago

Mubark-p commented 9 months ago

System.AggregateException: 'Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType: Carter.IValidatorLocator Lifetime: Singleton ImplementationType: Carter.DefaultValidatorLocator': Cannot consume scoped service 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[FluentValidation.IValidator]' from singleton 'Carter.IValidatorLocator'.)'

crodriguesbr commented 9 months ago

@Mubark-p Test with the new version. You can now define the scope of validators.

koniecdev commented 5 months ago

Can You explain how? @crodriguesbr Probably because Carter, my FluentValidation is not working.

carter.ivalidatorlocator lifetime: singleton implementationtype: carter.defaultvalidatorlocator': cannot consume scoped service 'savethekitty.api.databases.interfaces.imaindbcontext' from singleton 'fluentvalidation.ivalidator'.

crodriguesbr commented 5 months ago

@koniecdev A service registered as a singleton cannot invoke a service registered as scoped, which is why a way of defining how validators would be registered was implemented in Carter.

services.AddCarter(configurator: cfg => { cfg.WithValidatorLifetime(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); });

I hope it resolves.

koniecdev commented 5 months ago

It worked @crodriguesbr . Thank You. I kinda wonder why is this not default ngl.

crodriguesbr commented 5 months ago

@koniecdev As Carter already registered validators as singletons, we decided to keep them registered by default to avoid code breakage. Still, we left the developer the option to change this.