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xcframework error when xcode upgrade #3298

Closed TsnumiDC closed 2 years ago

TsnumiDC commented 2 years ago


github "ReactiveX/RxSwift" == 5.1.1

Carthage Output

all success

Actual outcome i build xcframework , but when i upgrade xcode , it still have a error that 'module compiled with swift 5.5.1 cannot be imported by the swift 5.7 compiler'

Expected outcome xcframework is stable for swift version, why have this error? i try build 'rxswift' by my self and make a xcframework, in high swfit version is build success

mikchmie commented 2 years ago

Swift 5.7 is part of Xcode 14 beta. If you want to use binaries built by Carthage in Xcode 14, you need to make Carthage use Xcode 14's compiler. You can do this either in Xcode: Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools or in Terminal using xcode-select command, e.g.:

xcode-select -s <path_to_xcode_14_beta>
TsnumiDC commented 2 years ago

thanks for your reply framework which need support mutable swift version need set 'build librarys for distribution' in build setting so i change it in the target's build setting then it work

TsnumiDC commented 2 years ago

thanks for your reply framework which need support mutable swift version need set 'build librarys for distribution' in build setting so i change it in the target's build setting then it work so the error not make by carthage