CartoDB / CartoColor

CartoColors as a node module
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Question about adding "Detect Clusters and Outliers" ramp #13

Open makella opened 8 years ago

makella commented 8 years ago

@javisantana @saleiva @rochoa

I'm working with my team to go through the exercise of documenting the analysis methods with map examples. This is work towards default cartography for Builder analysis outputs.

This morning I worked on the cluster and outlier cartography which outputs a field quad with four values: HH, HL, LH, LL. This is a different kind of category ramp because there will always only be four colors.

We decided that we should stick to "analysis cartography traditions" with this map. A result of the analysis would look like this:

So my question is:

Is there a special way I need to add this? It will always use four colors. I'm not sure what the proper syntax would be for this kind of color ramp.

Can you tell me?


javisantana commented 7 years ago

I guess you are planning to add new ramp called "Moran" or whatever where there is only 4 colors?

makella commented 7 years ago


javisantana commented 7 years ago

sounds good, we should be careful with that because I think the builder is expecting all of them to have the same number of ramps but it's something we could workaround for sure

makella commented 7 years ago

or is it better to just have default cartocss for the moran's i map? i think it could use more discussion because i was also thinking a value-by-alpha default would be a nice solution where the alpha channel represents significance.
