CartoDB / CartoColor

CartoColors as a node module
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added colorbrewer palettes #7

Closed makella closed 8 years ago

makella commented 8 years ago


i added the colorbrewer palettes.

they are all backwards. we need to flip them like the others.

pushed to master.

javisantana commented 8 years ago

if they are backwards I'm thinking if we should follow the same pattern. At the end we did this library following the colorbrewer pattern

In the other hand we should not copy&paste palettes, we should have colorbrewer as a dependency

makella commented 8 years ago

this is really confusing because the palettes are being read in backwards in the builder right now. the first color is being assigned to the lowest value and the lightest color the highest value. If we do the light/dark basemap dependant styling, then this would be the pattern we want for the dark basemap. But for the light basemap, (and general practice) is the opposite.

saleiva commented 8 years ago

Adding colorbrewer palettes to the builder is important as it helps to maintain backwards compatibility

javisantana commented 8 years ago

they are there

makella commented 8 years ago

I'm still seeing way more Brewer palettes than we had defined in cartocolor.js

If you guys want them all in there, no problem but if we could make a decision together about that and then figure out a way to separate them from Carto Colors that would be my preference.


javisantana commented 8 years ago

umh, I have a fix locally for that, not yet in production