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Refine Industry and Use Cases list #50

Closed vhamer closed 4 years ago

vhamer commented 5 years ago

Hi @ldieye - (cc @FloBroderick @ruipperez - Ivo will also need to be involved)

Luis has mentioned (and I agree..) that we're still capturing quite a long list of Use Cases (13) and Industries (19), which makes analysis challenging. We'd like to reduce the list down to a more manageable and meaningful set, so that both our staff and visitors to our website are able to quickly and easily select the value that fits best.

(My .02 is to start this project after the QBRs.)

Because we capture values in these two fields when visitors submit forms on our website, and because we try to autofill the Industry value when it is left blank, the change needs to be made in four places:

IMO, the ideal order of operations here would be:

Hubspot's documentation on things like workflows is awesome, and will help with this project.

ldieye commented 5 years ago

Action items:

  1. Understand how the data is used (Flo) - @asimcox
  2. "Other" Use Case audit (interviewing AEs) - @ruipperez
    • right stage? enough info?
    • do they know how to identify the use case
    • is it really "other"
  3. Determine solution - TBD
ruipperez commented 5 years ago

This is a report of all Opps (with Close Date after Jan 1st 2018) that have "Other" as Use Case:

ldieye commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ruipperez ! Sorry you had to make this report but I've created this Use Case Audit report already. 😬 After talking to Vanessa it was decided we didn't want to review any use cases prior to 2019, just this year and upcoming Opps. :)

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@ldieye - now worries! I left out the Close Lost opps though...

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

I spoke with Virginia and we looked at some of her "other" cases together and this is what I think:

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

As a general comment, the reason we originally reduced this list so much was to simplify from the 30 we had. Reps complained about the list being too long, now it's too we need to be careful to not yoyo between the two. But, I do see Data Journalism being one to include, and also based on convos with Bryan Population Health Analysis.

Looking to hear what Mica has to say also!

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Thanks Flo! Agree with everything! Will keep digging on the Data Visualization part and let you know!

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Hi! So I just had a chat with @micagm and we could not find a strong reason to include a sort of Data Visualization category as such. Most of the examples he could think of could actually fit in one of the actual use cases. We both agreed that if we got that category back, it would be use massively again (like in the past) and like now it's being used "other". So he actually suggested something that I think it could be interesting which is to add a field when selecting "other" so AEs can actually state the use case they believe that particular opp would belong... Then us (biz ops) could review those after few weeks in place and take it from there. Thoughts??

ldieye commented 5 years ago

Sorry, quick side step here for a sec,

So we've agreed on adding the following so far?

If yes, please let me know and I'll add these use cases in Hubspot, and on the Lead, Contact and Opportunity level and map those fields accordingly. :)

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@ldieye - mmmm... not really, I think! We are still discussing... I suggested adding a field after the conversation I had with @micagm and would love to hear your feedback!

asimcox commented 5 years ago

Yes, let's hold on adding any more use case fields just yet. @ruipperez please continue to talk to all the identified 'others' sales folks and plan to give us a brief summary of findings at our next biz ops meeting. From there we'll finalize with @FloBroderick if we'll add any and the plan of action (most likely education).

RE: Action Item: `Understand how the data is used' I chatted with @FloBroderick yesterday.

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@asimcox - I'm not sure it makes sense to talk to every AE... @ldieye - could you please tell me who from the NA team might provide an interesting input on the subject? In RoW I will catch up with Paloma too but I don't think it makes sense to talk to anyone else. Do you agree?

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Hi! So I spoke with Paloma and most of her "other" opps are "consultancy" or "partners" and in most cases we don't know the use case and/or there are multiple use cases behind... We were reviewing the categories too and the main take away is that we need a clear definition of each one of the categories because this does not seem to be 100% clear. For example, as per my conversation with Paloma, some categories could be considered equivalent or at least similar (i.e. investment analysis and risk analysis / site planning and investment analysis?) so I think this could be solved with a basic definition. Thoughts??

asimcox commented 5 years ago

Hey @ruipperez! Yes, the intention isn't to interview everyone, only those who were the biggest culprits of using the "other" classification. I believe you were able to see that via the report you pulled, no?

And RE: your conversation with Paloma, it's already confirming our hunch, that the real solution will be around the lines of Education and I know @FloBroderick is already on board with this.

Please chat with a few more people so we have a decent sample size of feedback and you can share findings at our biz ops meeting this week. Thanks!

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

Yes @ruipperez. I am happy to volunteer to prepare those definitions then we can email them out to internal sales. I have most of them ready already. Will aim to share by Friday.

ldieye commented 5 years ago

could you please tell me who from the NA team might provide an interesting input on the subject?

Hey @ruipperez Leo and Bryan are probably the best people to talk to about the use cases at this point. Actually, I spoke to Leo briefly and he doesn't seem to be having issues identifying the right use cases, but he did point out three things: 1) he suggested another use case added - media planning 2) some of the use cases are pretty specific (i.e. Fraud Detection) and others cast a fairly large net (i.e. iInvestment Analysis), and I'm inclined to agree with him here. The issue that creates is that more uses cases are applicable, and rather than picking the use case most suitable they'll pick a use case that technically applies arbitrarily. 3) Some of the use cases may need renaming. "Fraud Detection" for instance, and Matt chimed in here too, may need to be renamed to accommodate more relevant use cases, so maybe to call it "Fraud Detection/ Risk Assessment & Analysis" or something.

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@ldieye thank you! Yeap, I agree with your findings! Same here so far! Thanks for talking to Leo and I'll speak with Bryan today and share findings!

asimcox commented 5 years ago

@FloBroderick's WIP Use Case Definitions 🙌 . Flo, please just ping the ticket when you consider them finished from your end. Gracias!

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Hi all! Marta from Omega will look into options re creating a "smart/predictive" field for use cases. I will let you know her suggestions when I'm back from holidays and will take it from there.

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

Ok, the list is complete here.

Once we have the smart/predictive field in place, it would be good if we sent out an email sharing the news and these definitions, saying what the process is for potentially adding a new class and explaining what to do with instances like consulting firms when it can be multiple use cases.

asimcox commented 5 years ago

This is phenomenal. I'm thinking an initial email and this is worthy of a little education segment at an upcoming global sales call, where Flo can walk through the use cases and a person from biz ops can discuss the process/importance.

@FloBroderick & co -- can I ask one more favor to put the associated keywords for the predictive text for each use case. I added a column in the spreadsheet.

Thank you!

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

Sounds good @asimcox !

Before I add those keywords.....are we sure the predictive field could go that far?! I can't believe Salesforce can be that smart.....

asimcox commented 5 years ago

Fair enough! I'll let @ruipperez confirm when she's back next week. Gracias all around!

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@FloBroderick Thank you for putting this together!! @asimcox Yes, let me check with Marta first as we discussed it before I went on leave but it wasn't that simple so I asked her to look into options to be discussed upon my return.

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Good news! We can create a lookup field that would work like the account field within an opp (or the search box at the top) that will suggest the use case depending on what we type in! I've already shared Flo's file with Marta, so we're only missing some key works to be added to each use case on column E. This would be the format: "Geomarketing - social media, advertising, OOH, direct mail" (just an example) with a maximum of 80 characters per use case. Marta will start working on this now in Sandbox so we can have it up and running when we push the system to production (expecting this to happen within the next couple of weeks). @FloBroderick - will you be able to add those key words for us please? Let me know if anything is unclear please!

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

Sure! Will add them in the spreadsheet. This is great :)


ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much @FloBroderick for including the key words too :) Just a question, is this something that needs to be reviewed by someone else or I can just go ahead and tell Marta to update it in SF?

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

I think we can go ahead. I guess it will be easy to change in the future if we see an opportunity to add more right?

I say this because Jaime and Jorge are both away on holiday and I don't want to slow this down as I don't think they'll have too much feedback on this @ruipperez

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@FloBroderick - ok, sounds good! I've done some little tweaks so they all fit in the field. Column G in the doc is the one we will upload in SF.

Please see attached what's required to change this field. I'll tell Marta to go ahead if that's ok. CARTO-Use Cases field Impact 26082019 (1).docx

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

All looks great @ruipperez ! Just please make sure it's deployed as Use Cases not Uses Cases

Many thanks!

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

The NEW Use Cases field is now implemented in Sandbox :) It's not finalised yet though but you can have a flavour if you want to take a look!

BTW - The Use Cases Detail is gone in the New Opp Layout (not live yet but coming soon). I assume that this is correct and not a mistake?

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

Awesome @ruipperez ! I'll take a look in the Sandbox today.

The Use Case Detail field should be gone when we launch the New Opp Layout....that is not a mistake. Often NEED and USE CASE DETAIL had overlapping content, hence the change.


ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@FloBroderick Great! Thank you for the context :)

There are at least a couple of things that need to be corrected on the new field:

  1. Needs to be put on Stage 1 (now it's showing right below Sale Type)
  2. The option to add new cases needs to be removed (I hope that's possible...)

I also want to look into how this will look on a report as the names are now quite long.

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Just a FYI - We are planning to implement the new layout next week on Wednesday 4th of Sep together with the new Opps Layout. Keep you posted.

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

As discussed with @ruipperez we're going to be including one new use case after extensive discussion with AEs and looking at our existing portfolio of clients and demos: Healthcare & Social Factor Analysis. I'll include in the excel now.

FYI all: we're aligning the demo gallery use cases with this list now so it's consistent.

Our next project should be a similar one for INDUSTRIES :D Jeje!

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

Just a quick note to let you know that the current Use Case field will be renamed when the new layout goes live to "Use Case Hubspot" and will be placed in the Marketing section (in the opp). We need it for Husbpot and we will keep it as a reference in the opp layout of the information that each lead completed. Then the AEs can "replicate" it in the Use Cases (lookup) field or change the use case if required. I discussed this with both Ivo and Marta, and also had a chat with Flo, and it seems the best way forward! I hope this makes sense? Otherwise, let me know :)

FloBroderick commented 5 years ago

Great @ruipperez. One more use case I'm afraid, but it's also consistent feedback from AE's:

Catastrophe Analytics - fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes etc. It comes up again and again.

Will include in the relevant places on sheet.

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

@FloBroderick - Sure :)

ruipperez commented 5 years ago

I think we can close this ticket... at last!! :)

FloBroderick commented 4 years ago

Hey @ruipperez

Sorry to reopen here, but I wanted to talk about this for 1 sec:


It's great that we have these keywords now, but it's quite heavy on the eye in reports and in the new opp layout from them to have the same weight as the main use case name. Ideally we would just see the core use case around SF, and then the key words are somewhat hidden (if you know what I mean).

Any ideas on how we can get around this?

ruipperez commented 4 years ago

@FloBroderick Yeap... I thought about this and mentioned it to Marta... I think all we can do is edit each particular report, I'm afraid. I'll take a closer look and let you know asap.

ruipperez commented 4 years ago

So the way around it is bucketing each value which is a bit of a pain but doable! Here you go (it's copy as I was doing some testing):

FloBroderick commented 4 years ago

Works for me @ruipperez. Please can we update with that one in the marketing exec dashboard?

ruipperez commented 4 years ago

@FloBroderick Done!