Created two base tasks for interpolations (one for real interpolations computing the area covered by the intersection of the geometries and the other, that can be used for coupled layers, just sums up the data values of all the covered entities)
Refactored some tasks.
Closes #559
Notes for the acceptance: Execute some tasks that requires interpolations. Some eamples:
[x] make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusPostcodeSectors
[x] make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusPostcodeDistricts
[x] make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusPostcodeAreas
[x] make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusLowerSuperOutputAreas
[x] make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusMiddleSuperOutputAreas
Closes #559
Notes for the acceptance: Execute some tasks that requires interpolations. Some eamples:
make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusPostcodeSectors
make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusPostcodeDistricts
make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusPostcodeAreas
make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusLowerSuperOutputAreas
make -- docker-run uk.census.wrapper.CensusMiddleSuperOutputAreas