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<NoMethodError: undefined method `email=' for #<User @values={}>> #259

Closed Staniel closed 10 years ago

Staniel commented 10 years ago

Hello everyone, I try to install a local version of CartoDB on virtual machine, it's almost done but I'm stuck at the create development user process. When I run sh script/create_dev_user ${SUBDOMAIN} the result shows an error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `email=' for #<User @values={}

Can anyone help me solve it? I don't know what happened and how to solve it.


dchappel commented 10 years ago

As an attempted work-a-round... I add this to app/models/user.rb: def email=(value) @email = value = value end ..and the script ends with: ..... * Invoke cartodb:db:create_publicuser (first_time) * Invoke environment * Execute cartodb:db:create_publicuser * Execute cartodb:db:setup rake aborted! stack level too deep /home/cartodb/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p320@cartodb/gems/rake- Tasks: TOP => cartodb:db:setup

Incompatible libs due to wrong versions?

Staniel commented 10 years ago

You mean the version of Ruby? I run your script and the result is the same……

dchappel commented 10 years ago

I think it is one of the gems not being compatible. But this is only a hunch.

strk commented 10 years ago

Can you try upgrading to ruby-1.9.3 ? The README file mentions 1.9.2 is needed but I'm not sure any of the developers are using that version.

dchappel commented 10 years ago

upgraded to ruby-1.9.3. no luck. Added this: to app/user.rb to hack through some errors. def email=(value) @email = value self.password = value end def salt=(value) @salt = value self.salt = value end Which leads me to think this is a versioning issue. Possibly User's superclass not having methods required?

I fixed the passwords etc in the script so I wouldn't have to type them repeatedly. Here's the trace:

cartodb@development:~/cartodb20$ sh script/create_dev_user2 --- Creating databases /home/cartodb/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/backports-3.3.5/lib/backports/tools.rb:328:in `require_with_backports': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. /home/cartodb/cartodb20/lib/importer/lib/cartodb-importer/importer.rb:20: warning: already initialized constant SUPPORTED_FORMATS * Invoke cartodb:db:setup (first_time) * Invoke db:create (first_time) * Invoke environment (first_time) * Execute environment * Execute db:create [sequel] Created database 'carto_db_development' [sequel] Created database 'carto_db_test' * Invoke db:migrate (first_time) * Invoke db:migrate:load (first_time) * Invoke environment * Execute db:migrate:load * Execute db:migrate * Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time) * Invoke environment * Execute db:schema:dump * Invoke cartodb:db:create_publicuser (first_time) * Invoke environment * Execute cartodb:db:create_publicuser \ Execute cartodb:db:setup rake aborted! stack level too deep /home/cartodb/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/rake- Tasks: TOP => cartodb:db:setup

The above error may be due to my hack. I just can't seem to get it going yet I may teach my self some ruby by the time this is done, which is great. Thank you for following up on this strk. This and other postings on the forum.

strk commented 10 years ago

\ Execute cartodb:db:setup rake aborted! stack level too deep /home/cartodb/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/rake- Tasks: TOP => cartodb:db:setup


The above error may be due to my hack.

Drop your hack please.

The error message doesn't help at all :(

The "stack level too deep" seems to suggest there's some kind of circular dependency. Line 162 of task.rb is a rethrow within a method invoke_with_call_chain.

Dunno anything about that, personally.

Maybe there's a a way to invoke the task with verbosity, tried --trace ?

Also, I'd look at postgresql logs, just in case...


MennoSchepel commented 10 years ago

Same problem here. The problem seems to be in adding a user to the users table. The two (development and test) databases are being generated, the two (public and tile) users are generated, but there is an error at the moment of inserting a new users into the the user table. If one enters a wrongly constructed e-mail address (a single word for instance) the validation works. But the method of inserting the address into a register within the user table does not. Because it seems to be a fatal error the database generation stops there and the additional databases (*_1) are not generated, also the extra cartodb functions are not generated. Commenting out the u.mail = ENV(MAIL) method in the setup rake results in an error generating the salt field for the new user in the user table. Clearly something goes wrong when trying to insert a new user in the user table. My ruby knowledge is not deep enough to find out what goes wrong, and how to proceed. The postgres log does not help, nothing unusual there. the --trace option as mentioned by strk only produces the output as seen in the message of dchapel. It is frustating to get stuck at this point when trying to set up CartoDB. I´ve been trying for some days now to get it work or to at least to locate the error, but to no avail.

Somebody out there that can guide us how to proceed?

MennoSchepel commented 10 years ago

Could there be a relation with issue #268 ??

strk commented 10 years ago

there is an error at the moment of inserting a new users into the the user table. ... The postgres log does not help, nothing unusual there.

Did you enable statement logging ? Could you see the INSERT line containing user data ?


MennoSchepel commented 10 years ago

Will do and post the result

MennoSchepel commented 10 years ago

Full postgresql log:

Nov 4 00:54:54 menno-desktop postgres[10433]: [2-1] FATAL: database "carto_db_development" does not exist Nov 4 00:55:04 menno-desktop postgres[10441]: [2-1] LOG: statement: CREATE DATABASE carto_db_development ENCODING 'utf8'; Nov 4 00:55:04 menno-desktop postgres[10441]: [2-2] #011 Nov 4 00:55:06 menno-desktop postgres[10444]: [2-1] LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer Nov 4 00:55:38 menno-desktop postgres[10448]: [2-1] LOG: statement: CREATE DATABASE carto_db_test ENCODING 'utf8'; Nov 4 00:55:38 menno-desktop postgres[10448]: [2-2] #011 Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [2-1] ERROR: relation "schema_migrations" does not exist at character 18 Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [2-2] STATEMENT: SELECT NULL FROM "schema_migrations" LIMIT 1 Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [3-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("filename" text PRIMARY KEY) Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [4-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "schema_migrations_pkey" for table "schema_migrations" Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [4-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("filename" text PRIMARY KEY) Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [5-1] ERROR: relation "schema_info" does not exist at character 18 Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [5-2] STATEMENT: SELECT NULL FROM "schema_info" LIMIT 1 Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [6-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "crypted_password" text NOT NULL, "salt" text NOT NULL, "database_name" text, "username" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "tables_count" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [7-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "users_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [7-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "crypted_password" text NOT NULL, "salt" text NOT NULL, "database_name" text, "username" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "tables_count" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [8-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "users_pkey" for table "users" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [8-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "crypted_password" text NOT NULL, "salt" text NOT NULL, "database_name" text, "username" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "tables_count" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [9-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "users_email_key" for table "users" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [9-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "crypted_password" text NOT NULL, "salt" text NOT NULL, "database_name" text, "username" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "tables_count" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [10-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "users_username_key" for table "users" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [10-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "crypted_password" text NOT NULL, "salt" text NOT NULL, "database_name" text, "username" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "tables_count" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [11-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "tables_count" SET DEFAULT 0 Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [12-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110117161245_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [13-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "user_tables" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "name" text NOT NULL, "privacy" integer NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "tags" text, "geometry_columns" text, "rows_counted" integer, "rows_estimated" integer) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [14-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "user_tables_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [14-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "user_tables" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "name" text NOT NULL, "privacy" integer NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "tags" text, "geometry_columns" text, "rows_counted" integer, "rows_estimated" integer) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [15-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "user_tables_pkey" for table "user_tables" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [15-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "user_tables" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "name" text NOT NULL, "privacy" integer NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "tags" text, "geometry_columns" text, "rows_counted" integer, "rows_estimated" integer) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [16-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "user_tables_user_id_index" ON "user_tables" ("user_id") Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [17-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "user_tables_user_id_privacy_index" ON "user_tables" ("user_id", "privacy") Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [18-1] LOG: statement: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "user_tables_name_user_id_index" ON "user_tables" ("name", "user_id") Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [19-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ALTER COLUMN "privacy" SET DEFAULT 0, ALTER COLUMN "rows_counted" SET DEFAULT 0, ALTER COLUMN "rows_estimated" SET DEFAULT 0 Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [20-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110118160935_user_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [21-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "tags" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "table_id" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [22-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "tags_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [22-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "tags" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "table_id" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [23-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "tags_pkey" for table "tags" Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [23-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "tags" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "table_id" integer NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [24-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "tags_user_id_index" ON "tags" ("user_id") Nov 4 00:55:41 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [25-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "tags_table_id_index" ON "tags" ("table_id") Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [26-1] LOG: statement: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "tags_user_id_table_id_name_index" ON "tags" ("user_id", "table_id", "name") Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [27-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110125100508_tags.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [28-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "api_keys" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "api_key" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "domain" text NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [29-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "api_keys_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [29-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "api_keys" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "api_key" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "domain" text NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [30-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "api_keys_pkey" for table "api_keys" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [30-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "api_keys" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "api_key" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "domain" text NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [31-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "api_keys_api_key_key" for table "api_keys" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [31-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "api_keys" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "api_key" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "domain" text NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [32-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "api_keys_api_key_index" ON "api_keys" ("api_key") Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [33-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110214111010_api_keys.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [34-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "client_applications" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text, "url" text, "support_url" text, "callback_url" text, "key" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "user_id" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [35-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "client_applications_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [35-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "client_applications" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text, "url" text, "support_url" text, "callback_url" text, "key" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "user_id" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [36-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "client_applications_pkey" for table "client_applications" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [36-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "client_applications" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text, "url" text, "support_url" text, "callback_url" text, "key" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "user_id" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [37-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "client_applications_key_key" for table "client_applications" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [37-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "client_applications" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" text, "url" text, "support_url" text, "callback_url" text, "key" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "user_id" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [38-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "oauth_tokens" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "type" text, "client_application_id" integer, "token" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "callback_url" text, "verifier" text, "scope" text, "authorized_at" timestamp, "invalidated_at" timestamp, "valid_to" timestamp, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [39-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "oauth_tokens_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [39-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "oauth_tokens" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "type" text, "client_application_id" integer, "token" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "callback_url" text, "verifier" text, "scope" text, "authorized_at" timestamp, "invalidated_at" timestamp, "valid_to" timestamp, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [40-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "oauth_tokens_pkey" for table "oauth_tokens" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [40-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "oauth_tokens" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "type" text, "client_application_id" integer, "token" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "callback_url" text, "verifier" text, "scope" text, "authorized_at" timestamp, "invalidated_at" timestamp, "valid_to" timestamp, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [41-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "oauth_tokens_token_key" for table "oauth_tokens" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [41-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "oauth_tokens" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "type" text, "client_application_id" integer, "token" text UNIQUE, "secret" text, "callback_url" text, "verifier" text, "scope" text, "authorized_at" timestamp, "invalidated_at" timestamp, "valid_to" timestamp, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [42-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "oauth_nonces" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "nonce" text, "timestamp" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [43-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "oauth_nonces_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [43-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "oauth_nonces" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "nonce" text, "timestamp" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [44-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "oauth_nonces_pkey" for table "oauth_nonces" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [44-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "oauth_nonces" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "nonce" text, "timestamp" integer, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL) Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [45-1] LOG: statement: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "oauth_nonces_nonce_timestamp_index" ON "oauth_nonces" ("nonce", "timestamp") Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [46-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110301171134_create_oauth_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [47-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "admin" boolean Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [48-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110308151555_add_admin_flag_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:42 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [49-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "enabled" boolean DEFAULT false Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [50-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110309163228_add_enabled_field_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [51-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "indexes" character varying[] Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [52-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110309181959_add_table_indexes_metadata.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [53-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "stored_schema" character varying[] Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [54-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110322070116_add_schema_to_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [55-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "the_geom_type" character varying Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [56-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110406150221_add_the_geom_type_to_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [57-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "invite_token" text Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [58-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "invite_token_date" date Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [59-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110407105539_add_invite_token_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [60-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" DROP COLUMN "stored_schema" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [61-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110412143331_remove_stored_schema_from_user_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [62-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "database_name" text Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [63-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110412143448_add_database_name_to_user_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [64-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" DROP COLUMN "the_geom_type" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [65-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110425084611_drop_colum_the_geom_type.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [66-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "subdomain" character varying Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [67-1] LOG: statement: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "users_subdomain_index" ON "users" ("subdomain") Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [68-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110628112715_add_subdomains.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [69-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "map_enabled" boolean DEFAULT true Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [70-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110706134412_add_map_enabled_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [71-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "enabled" SET DEFAULT true Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [72-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110712142238_change_default_enabled_in_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [73-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" DROP COLUMN "subdomain" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [74-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20110720135459_remove_subdomain_from_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [75-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "quota_in_bytes" bigint DEFAULT 104857600 Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [76-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20111012094815_add_quota_to_user.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:43 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [77-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "table_quota" bigint DEFAULT 5 Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [78-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "account_type" text DEFAULT 'FREE' Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [79-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120202132847_add_table_quota_and_account_type_to_user.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [80-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "private_tables_enabled" boolean DEFAULT false Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [81-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120213183707_add_private_tables_to_user.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [82-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "data_imports" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "table_id" integer, "data_source" text, "data_type" text, "table_name" text, "state" text NOT NULL, "success" Boolean NOT NULL, "logger" Text NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp) Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [83-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "data_imports_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [83-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "data_imports" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "table_id" integer, "data_source" text, "data_type" text, "table_name" text, "state" text NOT NULL, "success" Boolean NOT NULL, "logger" Text NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp) Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [84-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "data_imports_pkey" for table "data_imports" Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [84-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "data_imports" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "table_id" integer, "data_source" text, "data_type" text, "table_name" text, "state" text NOT NULL, "success" Boolean NOT NULL, "logger" Text NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp) Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [85-1] LOG: statement: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "data_imports_user_id_table_id_index" ON "data_imports" ("user_id", "table_id") Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [86-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "data_imports_user_id_index" ON "data_imports" ("user_id") Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [87-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "data_imports_table_id_index" ON "data_imports" ("table_id") Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [88-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "data_imports_state_index" ON "data_imports" ("state") Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [89-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ALTER COLUMN "logger" SET DEFAULT 'Begin: Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [89-2] #011', ALTER COLUMN "success" SET DEFAULT false, ALTER COLUMN "created_at" SET DEFAULT '2013-11-04 00:55:44.730259+0100' Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [90-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120221165244_add_data_import_to_management_db.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [91-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "data_import_id" bigint Nov 4 00:55:44 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [92-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120308005044_add_data_import_id_col_to_user_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [93-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ADD COLUMN "error_code" integer Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [94-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120315143901_add_new_error_code_column_to_data_import.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [95-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ALTER COLUMN "created_at" SET DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [96-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120321191228_change_data_import_timestamp_default.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [97-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ADD COLUMN "queue_id" text Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [98-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120704144241_add_queue_id_to_data_imports.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [99-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "maps" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "provider" text, "bounding_box_sw" text, "bounding_box_ne" text, "center" text, "zoom" integer) Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [100-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "maps_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [100-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "maps" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "provider" text, "bounding_box_sw" text, "bounding_box_ne" text, "center" text, "zoom" integer) Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [101-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "maps_pkey" for table "maps" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [101-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "maps" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "provider" text, "bounding_box_sw" text, "bounding_box_ne" text, "center" text, "zoom" integer) Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [102-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "maps_user_id_index" ON "maps" ("user_id") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [103-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120719104544_maps.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [104-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "layers" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "options" text, "kind" text) Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [105-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "layers_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [105-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "options" text, "kind" text) Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [106-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "layers_pkey" for table "layers" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [106-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "options" text, "kind" text) Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [107-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120719105206_layers.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [108-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "layers_maps" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "map_id" integer REFERENCES "maps") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [109-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "layers_maps_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [109-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers_maps" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "map_id" integer REFERENCES "maps") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [110-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "layers_maps_pkey" for table "layers_maps" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [110-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers_maps" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "map_id" integer REFERENCES "maps") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [111-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120719112045_layers_maps.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [112-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "map_id" bigint Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [113-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120720160358_add_map_id_to_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [114-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "description" text Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [115-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120803103512_add_description_to_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [116-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "layers" ADD COLUMN "infowindow" text Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [117-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120807101605_add_infowindow_metadata_to_layer.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [118-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120809105200_add_default_map_and_layers_to_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [119-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120809105233_copy_infowindow_metadata_to_model.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [120-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "last_active_time" timestamp Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [121-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120823114609_add_last_active_time_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [122-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "layers_users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "user_id" integer REFERENCES "users") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [123-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "layers_users_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [123-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers_users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "user_id" integer REFERENCES "users") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [124-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "layers_users_pkey" for table "layers_users" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [124-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers_users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "user_id" integer REFERENCES "users") Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [125-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120903161841_layers_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:45 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [126-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "layers" ADD COLUMN "order" integer Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [127-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120912121006_add_order_to_layers.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [128-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "maps" ADD COLUMN "view_bounds_sw" text, ADD COLUMN "view_bounds_ne" text Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [129-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120914162229_add_view_bounds_to_maps.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [130-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "user_tables" ADD COLUMN "table_id" integer Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [131-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120919095432_add_table_id_to_user_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [132-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "assets" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "public_url" text) Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [133-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "assets_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [133-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "assets" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "public_url" text) Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [134-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "assets_pkey" for table "assets" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [134-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "assets" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "public_url" text) Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [135-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "assets_user_id_index" ON "assets" ("user_id") Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [136-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20120924165043_assets.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [137-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" DROP COLUMN "last_active_time" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [138-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20121016113011_remove_last_active_time_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [139-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20121017152007_migrate_data_from_1_0_to_2_0.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [140-1] LOG: statement: DELETE FROM tags where name = '' Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [141-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20121110180905_remove_blank_tags.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [142-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ADD COLUMN "tables_created_count" integer Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [143-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20121115155323_add_tables_created_count_to_data_imports.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [144-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ADD COLUMN "table_names" text Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [145-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20121218112426_add_table_names_to_data_imports.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [146-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "layers" ADD COLUMN "updated_at" timestamp Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [147-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130212094523_add_updated_at_to_layers.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [148-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "maps" ADD COLUMN "updated_at" timestamp Nov 4 00:55:46 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [149-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130212112825_add_updated_at_to_maps.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [150-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE layers ALTER COLUMN updated_at SET DEFAULT NOW() Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [151-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130220145819_add_default_to_layers_updated_at.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [152-1] LOG: statement: UPDATE layers SET updated_at = NOW() WHERE updated_at IS NULL Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [153-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130220153907_update_old_layers_updated_at.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [154-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "data_imports" ADD COLUMN "append" boolean, ADD COLUMN "migrate_table" text, ADD COLUMN "table_copy" text, ADD COLUMN "from_query" text Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [155-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130321100037_add_missing_attributes_to_data_imports.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [156-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "visualizations" ("id" text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" text, "description" text, "map_id" text, "type" text) Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [157-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "visualizations_pkey" for table "visualizations" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [157-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "visualizations" ("id" text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" text, "description" text, "map_id" text, "type" text) Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [158-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "visualizations_map_id_index" ON "visualizations" ("map_id") Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [159-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130331112949_visualizations.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [160-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "overlays" ("id" text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "order" integer NOT NULL, "options" text, "visualization_id" text) Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [161-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "overlays_pkey" for table "overlays" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [161-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "overlays" ("id" text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "order" integer NOT NULL, "options" text, "visualization_id" text) Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [162-1] LOG: statement: CREATE INDEX "overlays_visualization_id_index" ON "overlays" ("visualization_id") Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [163-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130331113845_overlays.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [164-1] LOG: statement: Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [164-2] #011 ALTER TABLE "visualizations" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [164-3] #011 ADD COLUMN tags text[] Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [164-4] #011
Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [165-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130412094805_visualization_tags.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [166-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "overlays" ADD COLUMN "type" text Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [167-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130417094205_add_type_to_overlays.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [168-1] LOG: statement: Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [168-2] #011 ALTER TABLE visualizations Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [168-3] #011 ALTER COLUMN map_id Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [168-4] #011 TYPE integer Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [168-5] #011 USING map_id::integer Nov 4 00:55:47 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [168-6] #011
Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [169-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130424180022_visualizations.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [170-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "visualizations" ADD COLUMN "active_layer_id" integer Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [171-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130503084402_add_active_layer_id_to_visualizations.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [172-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "visualizations" ADD COLUMN "privacy" text Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [173-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130503142207_add_privacy_to_visualizations.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [174-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "visualizations" ALTER COLUMN "created_at" SET DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ALTER COLUMN "updated_at" SET DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ADD COLUMN "created_at" timestamp, ADD COLUMN "updated_at" timestamp Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [175-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130521163240_add_timestamps_to_visualization.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [176-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "layers_user_tables" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "user_table_id" integer REFERENCES "user_tables") Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [177-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "layers_user_tables_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [177-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers_user_tables" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "user_table_id" integer REFERENCES "user_tables") Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [178-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "layers_user_tables_pkey" for table "layers_user_tables" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [178-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "layers_user_tables" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" integer REFERENCES "layers", "user_table_id" integer REFERENCES "user_tables") Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [179-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130524105247_layers_user_tables.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [180-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "period_end_date" timestamp, ALTER COLUMN "period_end_date" SET DEFAULT now() Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [181-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130605102802_add_period_end_date_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [182-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "map_view_quota" integer DEFAULT 10000 Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [183-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130605112533_add_mapviews_quota_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [184-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "max_layers" integer DEFAULT 3 Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [185-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130626093348_add_max_layers_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [186-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "max_layers" SET DEFAULT 4 Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [187-1] LOG: statement: UPDATE users set max_layers = 4 Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [188-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130627164229_increase_default_user_max_layers.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [189-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "database_timeout" integer DEFAULT 300000, ADD COLUMN "user_timeout" integer DEFAULT 300000 Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [190-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130802161253_add_timeouts_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:48 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [191-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "assets" ADD COLUMN "kind" text Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [192-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130805121621_add_kind_to_assets.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [193-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "upgraded_at" timestamp Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [194-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130807104954_add_upgraded_at_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [195-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "map_view_block_price" integer Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [196-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130904130236_add_map_view_block_price_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [197-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "geocoding_quota" integer Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [198-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130917144013_add_geocoding_quota_to_users.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [199-1] LOG: statement: CREATE TABLE "geocodings" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "table_name" Text, "total_rows" integer, "processed_rows" integer, "created_at" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_at" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [200-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "geocodings_id_seq" for serial column "" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [200-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "geocodings" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "table_name" Text, "total_rows" integer, "processed_rows" integer, "created_at" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_at" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [201-1] NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "geocodings_pkey" for table "geocodings" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [201-2] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "geocodings" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" integer, "table_name" Text, "total_rows" integer, "processed_rows" integer, "created_at" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_at" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [202-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130918091950_create_geocodings.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [203-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "geocodings" ADD COLUMN "remote_id" text Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [204-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130918100418_add_remote_id_to_geocodings.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [205-1] LOG: statement: ALTER TABLE "geocodings" ADD COLUMN "formatter" text Nov 4 00:55:49 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [206-1] LOG: statement: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("filename") VALUES ('20130918100827_add_formatter_to_geocodings.rb') RETURNING "filename" Nov 4 00:55:54 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [207-1] LOG: statement: CREATE USER publicuser Nov 4 00:55:54 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [208-1] LOG: statement: CREATE USER tileuser

The two main databases (development and test) exists after finishing the script:


The development databse is populated with tables, the test database seems to be an empty shell:


I can not find any statement that INSERTS a new user into the users table, many ALTER statements to add and delete columns and their default values, but no INSERT of a new user, strange....

The final structure and count (=0!) of the USERS table:


MennoSchepel commented 10 years ago

It seems that the schema_info relationship does not exists, and this causes an error:

Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [5-1] ERROR: relation "schema_info" does not exist at character 18 Nov 4 00:55:39 menno-desktop postgres[10449]: [5-2] STATEMENT: SELECT NULL FROM "schema_info" LIMIT 1

and this relationship is not created afterwards. Other error statements about non existing objects are followed by the creation of the missing object, this one not. I do not know if this could be the cause of the error later on in the script.

strk commented 10 years ago

I'm afraid you'll have to debug this yourself, adding logging into the rake task code, following up each of the steps.

I noticed that sometimes blocks like this are used:

begin something here rescue end

The absence of any handling of an exception makes it sometimes very hard to figure what went wrong. Changing the blocks to be more verbose might help:

begin something here rescue => e puts e.inspect end

This is in lib/tasks/setup.rake, for example

Try manually running rake cartodb:db:create_user. Besides, there seems to be a duplication between the "create_user" and "setup" tasks, not sure if there's any reason for that \cc @demimismo

irfus commented 10 years ago

Running the create_dev_user script a second time with the same parameters after getting this error seems to work and the user gets created.

strk commented 10 years ago

It's been reported in #311 that the problem is likely with a non up-to-date install of cartodb. Problem being fixed by a second run seems to confirm that, given that the cartodb:db:setup rake task makes some steps into upgrading (migrating) the database.

If this is the case, the best thing that could be done would be failing with a clear user message about the need for migration, referring to the UPGRADE script for the correct procedure.