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SAR data #3

Open lossyrob opened 7 years ago

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

Research what SAR data is available, and come up with a pipeline for ingesting into Raster Foundry in an updating layer.

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

August 30th Sentinel SAR:{z}/{x}/{y}/?tag=1504625150724&mapToken=c8983d72-8d72-4258-851a-f91cfce122d5

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

Converting Sentinal 1 SAR into Byte RGB GeoTiffs

This workflow is specifically for the "GRDH" products from Sentinal 1.


On resulting product, right click and "Open RGB in Image Window". Click "Store RGB values as virtual bands..." checkbox.

Right click each of the virtual_red, etc bands in the product nad click "Convert Band"

File => Export, GeoTiff/BIG Tiff

In the "Colour Manipulation panel", for each of R,G,B: select the 95% button, record the min and max values. These should be fed into scaling factors for the following example gdal_translate commands:

gdal_translate -ot byte -scale_1 0 1.07 -scale_2 0 0.0877 -scale_3 0.17 16.02 -co TILED=YES subset_S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20170830T122203_20170830T122232_007169_00CA2C_E7BF_Cal_TC-rgb.tif aug-30-rgb-ll.tif

gdal_translate -ot byte -scale_1 1 17761.76 -scale_2 1 3119.52 -scale_3 0.0 253.39 -co TILED=YES S1B_S1_SLC__1SDV_20170904T123019_20170904T123043_007242_00CC49_F018-rgb.tif sept4-1SDV-rgb-ll.tif

gdal_translate -ot byte -scale_1 1 22287.42 -scale_2 1 1273.89 -scale_3 0.0 128.35 -co TILED=YES sept4-1SDH-rgb-ll-float.tif sept4-1SDH-rgb-ll.tif
lossyrob commented 7 years ago

SAR from 9/05/17:{z}/{x}/{y}/?tag=1504713579506&mapToken=1552c163-9256-4ee2-bd0c-cec737daccb4

SAR from 9/03/17:{z}/{x}/{y}/?tag=1504713665083&mapToken=a9317dd0-eef0-4432-b2a7-521bef03c743

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

See this page for the equation I used for the RGB visualization:

jeffkaplan88 commented 7 years ago

@lossyrob I still have trouble understanding what the color coding means. Is there a simple explanation we can share with HCTX folks so regular people like me can understand what I'm seeing?