CartoDB / mobile-sdk

CARTO Mobile SDK core project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
179 stars 65 forks source link

Is this library discontinued? #524

Open vTechGIS opened 1 year ago

vTechGIS commented 1 year ago

I have a plan for a new project using cartodb mobile sdk. But I get this message: "This component is still under support but it will not be further developed. We don't recommend starting new projects with it."

Reference link:

So, Is this library discontinued? Can you give me more information?

This is the best mobile map library to me.

mtehver commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the question, we have had several similar questions lately.

A short answer is no, the SDK is not discontinued.

Some background information is probably needed here. The business model of CARTO has evolved quite a bit for the last few years and lots of older CARTO projects (like CARTO.js, CARTOframes and CARTO Mobile SDK) have been thus moved to legacy status. Mobile SDK is a bit different here. The development of the project for the last few years has been done separately from rest of CARTO's projects. CARTO has provided support for development but has not been directly involved. We are currently discussing by opening up the project to be more community driven and perhaps then forking the project (it will remain open-source). Until this is done, we plan making fixes to this repo and if needed, making additional releases, if needed.

Hope this provides some clarification.

safe-bug commented 3 weeks ago

Is there any update on the information you provided, @mtehver? I noticed there haven't been any releases since 2022. Will the CARTO fork of the SDK be available as a paid product with support?

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@safe-bug I am just right now rebuilding old versions of the sdk which were removed on iOS. I plan on maintaining it if i can. But i might need help / funding

mtehver commented 3 weeks ago

@safe-bug Unfortunately I have limited time available to actively support or work on new features. We have been discussing potential new features and support options with @farfromrefug and we have some good ideas, but I can not share anything firm right now. The general idea is to fork, add new features and perhaps rebrand the project, but still keep it open source.

farfromrefug commented 1 week ago

@safe-bug @vTechGIS if you want to test i just published a rc build of my fork Not released on maven/cocoapod yet. I need to find a new framework name first... WARNING: all carto online stuff + licensing have been removed.

vTechGIS commented 1 week ago

@safe-bug @vTechGIS if you want to test i just published a rc build of my fork Not released on maven/cocoapod yet. I need to find a new framework name first... WARNING: all carto online stuff + licensing have been removed.

@farfromrefug, Awesome, i will test it now. thank you very much

vTechGIS commented 1 week ago

Hello @farfromrefug,

I tested your build on Android 15 beta and got the following error:

Failed to initialize Carto Mobile Maps SDK, native .so library failed to load? java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: empty/missing DT_HASH/DT_GNU_HASH in "/data/app/~~RSKr91fxKBdY4JCwmN0FoA==/Z9MdnFkjmdSaoYsDqvCX0g==/lib/x86_64/" (new hash type from the future?)

May be due to the build not supporting 16 KB page sizes ( Can you update it? Thank you very much.

farfromrefug commented 1 week ago

@vTechGIS but you are testing on a 16kb device ? The framework is not compatible yet. It requires a bit of work