When the date dialogs were reworked for the start + apply changes model their cancel buttons retained their close dialog function. This is OK for the first step but potentially problematic in the second step as, in reviewing their changes, the user may wish to go back to the first step and make adjustments rather than to close the dialog. In the latter case the behaviour's frustrating as the changes have to be re-entered from scratch. One option is make these dialogs standard wizards so they conform to normal notions of next/forward and back/previous. Another is to make them consistent with the custom filter dialog by remembering the most recently entered settings. These aren't mutually exclusive.
It may also be desirable to change the start button to be preview changes for clarity and consistency.
When the date dialogs were reworked for the start + apply changes model their cancel buttons retained their close dialog function. This is OK for the first step but potentially problematic in the second step as, in reviewing their changes, the user may wish to go back to the first step and make adjustments rather than to close the dialog. In the latter case the behaviour's frustrating as the changes have to be re-entered from scratch. One option is make these dialogs standard wizards so they conform to normal notions of next/forward and back/previous. Another is to make them consistent with the custom filter dialog by remembering the most recently entered settings. These aren't mutually exclusive.
It may also be desirable to change the start button to be preview changes for clarity and consistency.