CaseyHofland / docfx-unitypackage

DocFX Unity package is a GitHub action for deploying a DocFX website for Unity packages to GitHub Pages.
MIT License
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Only generate specific Namespace #6

Open Zanbrachrissik opened 5 months ago

Zanbrachrissik commented 5 months ago

Hi, so I have many namespaces in my Unity package, but I just want to generate docs for specific namespaces. How can I do this? By editing the workflow scripts or some other ways?

Zanbrachrissik commented 5 months ago

Great work! BTW. Works perfectly.

Zanbrachrissik commented 5 months ago

Also, I want to config this UnityFX as my template. How could I make it happen:) Thanks in advance.

CaseyHofland commented 5 months ago

Hi, I’m on a weekend getaway, remind me after!

Zanbrachrissik commented 5 months ago

Hi, are you available recently? Please have a look at the questions above, Thx! :)

CaseyHofland commented 5 months ago

My apologies, I completely forgot about this. Unfortunately I am really preoccupied on another project at the moment (like I-don't-have-time-to-do-groceries busy). I still want to look at this but right now I can't, I'm really sorry.

You can always fork the project and try adding the solution yourself. Maybe this is a good starting point for what might need to change.

Add namespace in DocFX

But I warn you that my YAML is pretty terrible, so don't expect good code OwO