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Add support for libraries/macros #153

Open rkalis opened 1 year ago

rkalis commented 1 year ago

In certain cases, contracts (or collections of contracts) reuse pieces of code. For readability and reusability of complex operations it would be good to allow defining libraries/macros that live outside of a contract and can be used by different contracts.

Under the hood, the compiler would then replace the library function call statement with its bytecode.

One option would to use macros (aka string replacements). E.g.:

macro MULDIV(x, y, z) { x * y / z }

macro DO_STUFF() {
  int a = 5;

The benefit of this is that it results in the most control over performance / bytesize for the developer. But it is also very easy for this to result in worse readability, e.g. using DO_STUFF() would cause confusion:

contract Test() {
  function spend() {
    require(a == 5); // Whoa, where did 'a' come from?

So it likely makes more sense to go with a properly typed library system, even at the cost of slightly larger / less efficient contracts (note: size can probably be brought down by optimisations in the future if needed). We also think it's likely that the opcode limit will be increased at some point in the future.

So what does a library look like? For example:

library Math {
  function muldiv(int x, int y, int z) returns (int) {
    return x * y / z;
  function divmul(int x, int y, int z) returns (int) {
    return x / y * z;

A library is a collection of functions, that get compiled individually. The function has parameters and can potentially return one value. This can be extended to multiple values in the future (by "upgrading" the tuple type to allow for larger tuples).

From the consuming contract's perspective: When the library is called in a contract, the compiler treats it as a built in function call (e.g. abs()). In other words, it puts the args on top of the stack and replaces abs() with OP_ABS, except OP_ABS will be a (much) larger piece of bytecode, with more than one opcode, e.g. OP_SWAP OP_MUL OP_DIV. The function-to-bytecode mapping is retrieved from the compiled "library artifact" (see below).

From the library's perspective: Every function in a library is compiled independently. Compiling a library function is similar to compiling a contract with a single function, but there are a few notable differences:

We also need to add import functionality, allowing importing libraries into contracts or into other libraries. For simplicity we can stick to 1 library/contract per file.

import "./";
mr-zwets commented 8 months ago

We also need to add import functionality, allowing importing libraries into contracts or into other libraries. For simplicity we can stick to 1 library/contract per file.

import "./";

I'm thinking how this would work in practice with syntax checking pugins, would we call the function on the library like this

int result = Math.muldiv(x, y, z);

If we want to use the function name directly, it might be a good idea to do explicit imports to allow for highlighting.

import { muldiv } from "";

contract Example() {
    function test(int x, int y, int z) {
        int result = muldiv(x, y, z);

However, code completion would work better with the reversed order:

from "" import { muldiv };
rkalis commented 8 months ago

@mr-zwets and I just had a call about this, some of the main points:

Steps to get there / checklist:


rkalis commented 7 months ago

We need to consider how we resolve the dependency graph for contracts / libraries that have (semi-)complex dependency graphs. We'll need to think about this.