CasiaFan / Dataset_to_VOC_converter

Scripts to convert datasets (Caltech pedestrian, MS COCO, HDA) to PASCAL VOC format
MIT License
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Reversed augmentation sequence that leads to empty output when using "" #15

Open SunLoveSheep opened 5 years ago

SunLoveSheep commented 5 years ago

Dear @zlingkang ,

In your script, line 221, you call function "parse_anno_file(args.seq_dir, args.vbb_dir, frame_out, anno_out, person_type)" and pass first "args.seq_dir" then "args.vbb_dir". However, at function definition at line 151 "def parse_anno_file(vbb_inputdir, seq_inputdir, vbb_outputdir, seq_outputdir, person_types=None):", you define the first variable to be "vbb_inputdir" and second variable to be "seq_inputdir". This different calling sequence of vbb and seq variables will lead to empty output since as you suggest in the other issue, your folder structure is: --annotations ----set00 ------V000.vbb --set00 ----V000.seq Also, seems your code should require a folder structure like: --annotations ----set00 ------V000.vbb --sequences ----set00 ------V000.seq to perform correctly.

Moreover, you define augment parser like "parser.add_argument("seq_dir", help="Caltech dataset seq data root directory")" at line 209-212. However, as you shown in your calling example, if we want to call this script in command line like "python3 --seq_dir path/to/seq ...", we need to define augment parser like "parser.add_argument("--seq_dir", help="Caltech dataset seq data root directory")"

Hope this helps! Really appreciate your effort in providing this convenient script for transforming annotations between different formats!

Best, Yi