CasparCG / server

CasparCG Server is a Windows and Linux software used to play out professional graphics, audio and video to multiple outputs. It has been in 24/7 broadcast production since 2006. Ready-to-use downloads are available under the Releases tab
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to get output stream working again? #984

Closed TKooijmans closed 1 year ago

TKooijmans commented 6 years ago

With the latest builds I can't get output stream working. When I try ADD 1 STREAM 1 rtmp://yourWowzaserver/live/zwaluw with FF mpeg settings -pix_fmts yuv420p -format flv -vcodec libx264 -crf 28 -vf scale=1280:720 -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 96k -tune film -preset veryfast

So total command would be ADD 1 STREAM 1 rtmp://yourWowzaserver/live/zwaluw -pix_fmts yuv420p -format flv -vcodec libx264 -crf 28 -vf scale=1280:720 -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 96k -tune film -preset veryfast

Casper Connects to Wowza server but does not stream any video and audio.

Expected Behaviour

This works with CasperCG 2.1

Current Behaviour

I Get connection but no video or audio

This is the log, It seems that the FFmpeg settings are changed?

[2018-04-30 12:51:04.604] [info] Received message from ADD 1 STREAM rtmp:// -pix_fmts yuv420p -format flv -vcodec libx264 -crf 28 -vf scale=1280:720 -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 96k -tune film -preset veryfast\r\n [2018-04-30 12:51:04.604] [info] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Initialized. [2018-04-30 12:51:04.604] [info] Sent message to ADD OK\r\n [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option c=libvo_aacenc:a [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option crf=28 [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option pix_fmts=yuv420p [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option preset=veryfast [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option tune=film [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option vcodec=libx264 [2018-04-30 12:51:04.729] [warning] ffmpeg[rtmp://] Unused option vf=scale=1280:720

mint-dewit commented 6 years ago

short hand parameters are no longer accepted by the ffmpeg consumer.

sirfnomi commented 6 years ago

with ADD 1 STREAM udp:// -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts -tune zerolatency -preset medium -crf 18 getting error

[error] [ffmpeg] [NULL @ 00000000209B0A80] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'udp://'


[2018-05-01 21:32:24.441] [info] Received message from Console: ADD 1 STREAM udp:// -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts -tune zerolatency -preset medium -crf 18\r\n [2018-05-01 21:32:24.442] [info] ffmpeg[udp://] Initialized. [2018-05-01 21:32:24.442] [error] [ffmpeg] [NULL @ 00000000209B0A80] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'udp://' [2018-05-01 21:32:24.442] [error]
[2018-05-01 21:32:24.442] [error] [ffmpeg] [NULL @ 00000000209B0A80] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'udp://' [2018-05-01 21:32:24.442] [error]
[2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] Exception: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\casparcg-server-dep\master\src\modules\ffmpeg\consumer\ffmpeg_consumer.cpp(572): Throw in function auto __cdecl caspar::ffmpeg::ffmpeg_consumer::initialize::::operator ()(void) const [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] [struct boost::errinfo_apifunction __ptr64] = avformat_alloc_output_context2( &oc, nullptr, !format.empty() ? format.cstr() : nullptr, path.c_str()) [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] [struct boost::errinfoerrno ptr64] = 22, "Invalid argument" [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] [struct caspar::tag_stacktrace_info * ptr64] = 0# 0x000000013FF292CE in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 1# 0x000000013FF57B00 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 2# 0x00000001400F538F in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 3# 0x00000001400F7C70 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 4# 0x000000013FF23FE9 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 5# crt_at_quick_exit in ucrtbase [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 6# BaseThreadInitThunk in kernel32 [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 7# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error]
[2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error]

[2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 0# 0x000000013FF292CE in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 1# 0x000000013FF28BFF in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 2# 0x00000001403ED257 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 3# _C_specific_handler in VCRUNTIME140 [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 4# _FrameUnwindFilter in VCRUNTIME140 [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 5# RtlRestoreContext in ntdll [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 6# 0x00000001400121DA in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 7# 0x0000000140012D55 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 8# 0x0000000140009C8D in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 9# 0x000000014000CB00 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 10# 0x000000013FF23FE9 in casparcg [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 11# crt_at_quick_exit in ucrtbase [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 12# BaseThreadInitThunk in kernel32 [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error] 13# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll [2018-05-01 21:32:24.453] [error]
[2018-05-01 21:32:24.486] [warning] Assertion Failed: counter < 8 file:C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\casparcg-server-dep\master\src\core\consumer\frame_consumer.cpp line:96 [2018-05-01 21:32:24.487] [info] ffmpeg[udp://] Uninitialized.


Julusian commented 1 year ago

fixed by