Cassiobsk8 / Industrial_Renewal

Minecraft mod
28 stars 14 forks source link

Conflict between Immersive Engeneering and Industrial Renewal mods. #103

Closed Ostoff2 closed 3 years ago

Ostoff2 commented 3 years ago

Versions:1.12.2 -Minecraft Forge: -Industrial Renewal:0.17.3 - 0.18.2

What happens:The build doesn't start.

What should happen:The build should start.

Logs (if necessary) latest.log

Additional Comments:I created a build of + - 170 mods and there was a conflict between the Immersive Engineering and Industrial Renewal mods, I found out by disabling the Immersive Engineering mod.

Cassiobsk8 commented 3 years ago

Invalid id 4096 - maximum id range exceeded. You need to add a mod to increase the number of IDs, I recommend this error has nothing to do with this mod, it is a limit of minecraft