CastXML / pygccxml

pygccxml is a specialized XML reader that reads the output from CastXML or GCCXML. It provides a simple framework to navigate C++ declarations, using Python classes.
Boost Software License 1.0
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Add support for C++20 & 2b #148

Closed LucHermitte closed 10 months ago

LucHermitte commented 2 years ago

In order to support C++20, cxx_standard::__STD_CXX dictionary in utils/ should be fixed to contain:

        '-std=c++2a': 202002,
        '-std=gnu++2a': 202002,
        '-std=c++20': 202002,
        '-std=gnu++20': 202002,
        '-std=c++2b': float('inf'),
        '-std=gnu++2b': float('inf'),

But I'm not sure we should limit the list of valid values as we kind of know we have a new version every 3 years, and at most 3 (draft) versions per decade.

iMichka commented 10 months ago

I made the fix for the next release. Sadly I don't see a different solution right now. Better than nothing I guess.