CastagnaIT /

InputStream based Netflix plugin for Kodi
MIT License
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Login with Authentication key - Netflix #1623

Closed lu-po82 closed 5 months ago

lu-po82 commented 1 year ago

Netflix add-on version


Operative systems used


Kodi version used

Kodi 19 (Matrix)

Description of the bug


I followed the instructions on this page to create a NFAuthentication.key and the PIN. I did this several times since it happened that Netflix required again the authentication. However, this time after having added the PIN and the password the Netflix add-on confirmed I did log in successfully, but when I chose a video from the list it showed a message error saying more or less this "MSLError; username or password uncorrected. More info in the log".

I use KODI on MoGo Pro projector.

Any help? ;-)

Steps to reproduce the behavior

No response

Debug log - mandatory

no log created when i look for it

Possible fix

No response

Additional context

No response


No response

slukovic commented 1 year ago

This is a common issue since recent Netflix password sharing crackdown. There are a few similar closed issues on this repo (e.g. #1615). @CastagnaIT commented that there isn't much that can be reliably done, unfortunately.

That being said I've found a workaround that may or may not work for you. It requires modifying the auth key generator, but I'll share it anyway.

I've noticed that I can login and watch videos in Chrome without a problem, and I stay logged in for a very long time even when inactive. But when I generate auth key from the same browser I can login to my profile in Kodi but get logged out as soon as I attempt to play a video.

Currently auth script starts incognito chrome process with a disposable profile that is completely removed after the key is generated. I've modified it to use existing cookies from my main profile. If I play a video first in browser and then in Kodi it just works. And I only had to do it once, so far I'm still logged in.

Of course this might stop working at any point. If this happen to work for most people with this issue this workaround could become a command line option. Additionally I'm not sure about security ramifications. Here's my hack of the original script:

diff --git a/ b/
index 9265ea2..4eb24d5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Main(object):
     _msg_id = 0
     _ws = None

-    def __init__(self, browser_temp_path):
+    def __init__(self):
         show_msg(TextFormat.BOLD + 'NFAuthentication Key for Linux/MacOS (Version {})'.format(self.app_version),
@@ -59,18 +59,14 @@ class Main(object):
         browser_proc = None
             input_msg('Press "ENTER" key to accept the disclaimer and start, or "CTRL+C" to cancel', TextFormat.BOLD)
-            browser_proc = open_browser(browser_temp_path)
+            browser_proc = open_browser()
         except Warning as exc:
             show_msg(str(exc), TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_RED)
-            if browser_proc:
-                browser_proc.terminate()
         except Exception as exc:
             show_msg('An error is occurred:\r\n' + str(exc), TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_RED)
             import traceback
-            if browser_proc:
-                browser_proc.terminate()
                 if self._ws:
@@ -88,12 +84,6 @@ class Main(object):

         self.ws_wait_event('Page.domContentEventFired')  # Wait loading DOM (document.onDOMContentLoaded event)

-        show_msg('Please login in to website now ...waiting for you to finish...', TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_BLUE)
-        if not self.wait_user_logged():
-            raise Warning('You have exceeded the time available for the login. Restart the operations.')
-        self.ws_wait_event('Page.domContentEventFired')  # Wait loading DOM (document.onDOMContentLoaded event)
         # Verify that falcorCache data exist, this data exist only when logged
         show_msg('Verification of data in progress... please wait')
         html_page = self.ws_request('Runtime.evaluate', {'expression': 'document.documentElement.outerHTML'})['result']['value']
@@ -131,8 +121,6 @@ class Main(object):
         # Save the "NFAuthentication.key" file
         save_data(data, pin)
-        # Close the browser
-        self.ws_request('Browser.close')
         show_msg('Operations completed!\r\nThe "NFAuthentication.key" file has been saved in current folder.\r\nYour PIN protection is: {}'.format(pin),

@@ -214,13 +202,9 @@ class TextFormat:
     END = '\033[0m'

-def open_browser(browser_temp_path):
-    params = ['--incognito',
-              '--user-data-dir={}'.format(browser_temp_path),
-              '--remote-debugging-port={}'.format(DEBUG_PORT),
-              '--remote-allow-origins=*',
-              '--no-first-run',
-              '--no-default-browser-check']
+def open_browser():
+    params = ['--remote-debugging-port={}'.format(DEBUG_PORT),
+              '--remote-allow-origins=*',]
     dev_null = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
         browser_path = get_browser_path()
@@ -303,9 +287,8 @@ def input_msg(text, text_format=None):

 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        Main(temp_path)
+        Main()
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
         show_msg('\r\nOperations cancelled')
Grsmto commented 12 months ago

Thanks @slukovic ! I had to tweak the script a bit from your change too as it was not navigating to Netflix:

```py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2020 Stefano Gottardo SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only See for more information. """ import base64 import json import os import platform import random import re import shutil import socket import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import websocket # pip install websocket-client try: # Python 3 from urllib.request import HTTPError, URLError, urlopen except ImportError: # Python 2 from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError, urlopen try: # The crypto package depends on the package installed from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES from Cryptodome.Util import Padding except ImportError: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util import Padding IS_MACOS = platform.system().lower() == 'darwin' # Script configuration BROWSER_PATH = '* Remove me and specify here the browser path, only if not recognized *' DEBUG_PORT = 9222 LOCALHOST_ADDRESS = 'localhost' URL = '' class Main(object): app_version = '1.1.6' _msg_id = 0 _ws = None def __init__(self, browser_temp_path): show_msg('') show_msg(TextFormat.BOLD + 'NFAuthentication Key for Linux/MacOS (Version {})'.format(self.app_version), TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_BLUE) show_msg('') show_msg('Disclaimer:') show_msg('This script and source code available on GitHub are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Use at your own risk. The use of the software is done at your own discretion and risk with the agreement that you will be solely responsible for any damage resulting from such activities and you are solely responsible for adequate data protection.', TextFormat.COL_GREEN) show_msg('') browser_proc = None try: input_msg('Press "ENTER" key to accept the disclaimer and start, or "CTRL+C" to cancel', TextFormat.BOLD) browser_proc = open_browser(browser_temp_path) self.operations() except Warning as exc: show_msg(str(exc), TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_RED) except Exception as exc: show_msg('An error is occurred:\r\n' + str(exc), TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_RED) import traceback show_msg(traceback.format_exc()) finally: try: if self._ws: self._ws.close() except Exception: pass def operations(self): show_msg('Establish connection with the browser... please wait') self.get_browser_debug_endpoint() self.ws_request('Network.enable') self.ws_request('Page.enable') show_msg('Opening login webpage... please wait') self.ws_request('Page.navigate', {'url': URL}) self.ws_wait_event('Page.domContentEventFired') # Wait loading DOM (document.onDOMContentLoaded event) show_msg('Please login in to website now ...waiting for you to finish...', TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_BLUE) if not self.wait_user_logged(): raise Warning('You have exceeded the time available for the login. Restart the operations.') self.ws_wait_event('Page.domContentEventFired') # Wait loading DOM (document.onDOMContentLoaded event) # Verify that falcorCache data exist, this data exist only when logged show_msg('Verification of data in progress... please wait') html_page = self.ws_request('Runtime.evaluate', {'expression': 'document.documentElement.outerHTML'})['result']['value'] react_context = extract_json(html_page, 'reactContext') if react_context is None: # An error is happened in the reactContext extraction? try go on show_msg('Error failed to check account membership status, try a simple check', TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_RED) if 'falcorCache' not in html_page: raise Warning('Error unable to find falcorCache data.') else: # Check the membership status membership_status = react_context['models']['userInfo']['data']['membershipStatus'] if membership_status != 'CURRENT_MEMBER': show_msg('The account membership status is: ' + membership_status, TextFormat.COL_LIGHT_RED) raise Warning('Your login can not be used. The possible causes are account not confirmed/renewed/reactivacted.') self.ws_wait_event('Page.loadEventFired') # Wait loading page (window.onload event) show_msg('File creation in progress... please wait') # Get all cookies cookies = self.ws_request('Network.getAllCookies').get('cookies', []) assert_cookies(cookies) # Generate a random PIN for access to "NFAuthentication.key" file pin = random.randint(1000, 9999) # Create file data structure data = { 'app_name': 'NFAuthenticationKey', 'app_version': self.app_version, 'app_system': 'MacOS' if IS_MACOS else 'Linux', 'app_author': 'CastagnaIT', 'timestamp': int(((datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=5)) - datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1)).total_seconds()), 'data': { 'cookies': cookies } } # Save the "NFAuthentication.key" file save_data(data, pin) show_msg('Operations completed!\r\nThe "NFAuthentication.key" file has been saved in current folder.\r\nYour PIN protection is: {}'.format(pin), TextFormat.COL_BLUE) def get_browser_debug_endpoint(self): start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < 15: try: endpoint = '' data = urlopen('http://{0}:{1}/json'.format(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS, DEBUG_PORT), timeout=1).read().decode('utf-8') if not data: raise ValueError session_list = json.loads(data) for item in session_list: if item['type'] == 'page': endpoint = item['webSocketDebuggerUrl'] if not endpoint: raise Warning('Chrome session page not found') self._ws = websocket.create_connection(endpoint) return except (URLError, socket.timeout, ValueError): # json.JSONDecodeError inherited ValueError and available from >= py3.5 pass raise Warning('Unable to connect with the browser') def wait_user_logged(self): start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < 300: # 5 min history_data = self.ws_request('Page.getNavigationHistory') history_index = history_data['currentIndex'] # If the current page url is like "https://www.n*****" means that the user should have logged in successfully if '/browse' in history_data['entries'][history_index]['url']: return True return False @property def msg_id(self): self._msg_id += 1 return self._msg_id @msg_id.setter def msg_id(self, value): self._msg_id = value def ws_request(self, method, params=None): req_id = self.msg_id message = json.dumps({'id': req_id, 'method': method, 'params': params or {}}) self._ws.send(message) start_time = time.time() while True: if time.time() - start_time > 10: break message = self._ws.recv() parsed_message = json.loads(message) if 'result' in parsed_message and parsed_message['id'] == req_id: return parsed_message['result'] raise Warning('No data received from browser') def ws_wait_event(self, method): start_time = time.time() while True: if time.time() - start_time > 10: break message = self._ws.recv() parsed_message = json.loads(message) if 'method' in parsed_message and parsed_message['method'] == method: return parsed_message raise Warning('No event data received from browser') # Helper methods class TextFormat: """Terminal color codes""" COL_BLUE = '\033[94m' COL_GREEN = '\033[92m' COL_LIGHT_YELLOW = '\033[93m' COL_LIGHT_RED = '\033[91m' COL_LIGHT_BLUE = '\033[94m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' END = '\033[0m' def open_browser(browser_temp_path): params = ['--user-data-dir={}'.format(browser_temp_path), '--remote-debugging-port={}'.format(DEBUG_PORT), '--remote-allow-origins=*',] dev_null = open(os.devnull, 'wb') try: browser_path = get_browser_path() show_msg('Browser startup... ({}) please wait'.format(browser_path)) return subprocess.Popen([browser_path] + params, stdout=dev_null, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) finally: dev_null.close() def get_browser_path(): """Check and return the name of the installed browser""" if '*' not in BROWSER_PATH: return BROWSER_PATH if IS_MACOS: for browser_name in ['Brave Browser', 'Google Chrome', 'Chromium']: path = '/Applications/' + browser_name + '.app/Contents/MacOS/' + browser_name if os.path.exists(path): return path else: for browser_name in ['google-chrome', 'google-chrome-stable', 'google-chrome-unstable', 'chromium', 'chromium-browser', 'brave-browser']: try: path = subprocess.check_output(['which', browser_name]).decode('utf-8').strip() if path: return path except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass raise Warning('Browser not detected.\r\nTry check if it is installed or specify the path in the BROWSER_PATH field inside "" file') def assert_cookies(cookies): if not cookies: raise Warning('Not found cookies') login_cookies = ['nfvdid', 'SecureNetflixId', 'NetflixId'] for cookie_name in login_cookies: if not any(cookie['name'] == cookie_name for cookie in cookies): raise Warning('Not found cookies') def extract_json(content, var_name): try: pattern = r'netflix\.{}\s*=\s*(.*?);\s*' json_array = re.findall(pattern.format(var_name), content, re.DOTALL) json_str = json_array[0] json_str_replace = json_str.replace(r'\"', r'\\"') # Escape \" json_str_replace = json_str_replace.replace(r'\s', r'\\s') # Escape whitespace json_str_replace = json_str_replace.replace(r'\r', r'\\r') # Escape return json_str_replace = json_str_replace.replace(r'\n', r'\\n') # Escape line feed json_str_replace = json_str_replace.replace(r'\t', r'\\t') # Escape tab json_str_replace = json_str_replace.replace(r'\p', r'/p') # Unicode property not supported, we change slash to avoid unescape it json_str_replace = json_str_replace.encode().decode('unicode_escape') # Decode the string as unicode json_str_replace = re.sub(r'\\(?!["])', r'\\\\', json_str_replace) # Escape backslash (only when is not followed by double quotation marks \") return json.loads(json_str_replace) except Exception as exc: return None def save_data(data, pin): raw = bytes(Padding.pad(data_to_pad=json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8'), block_size=16)) iv = '\x00' * 16 cipher = + str(pin) + str(pin) + str(pin)).encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_CBC, iv.encode('utf-8')) encrypted_data = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(raw)).decode('utf-8') file = open('NFAuthentication.key', 'w') file.write(encrypted_data) file.close() def show_msg(text, text_format=None): if text_format: text = text_format + text + TextFormat.END print(text) def input_msg(text, text_format=None): if text_format: text = text_format + text + TextFormat.END if sys.version_info.major == 2: return raw_input(text) else: return input(text) if __name__ == '__main__': temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: Main(temp_path) except KeyboardInterrupt: show_msg('\r\nOperations cancelled') finally: try: shutil.rmtree(temp_path) except Exception: pass ```
3v1n0 commented 11 months ago

Just tried this... But still I'm getting kicked out 🤕

GitMensch commented 11 months ago

I'm not sure about the "kicked out" yet, but the creation of the authentication key worked with an adjusted version of @slukovic's patch for me, also on Win32 (see attachment below for a download; @CastagnaIT feel free to include any of those changes):

To use that:

hvegh commented 11 months ago

I added a script for firefox see

This is a super plugin, great work!

3v1n0 commented 8 months ago

@GitMensch thanks for your input, I was indeed able to get the key there (as I could with firefox script too), but once I log in I get logged out (as per #1615).

tyshiro commented 7 months ago

Is there way to get the NFAuthentication.key without a laptop?

CastagnaIT commented 5 months ago

interesting solution But i prefer to have a common solution for only supported browsers