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InputStream based Netflix plugin for Kodi
MIT License
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WebsiteParsingError #1706

Open M95D opened 1 week ago

M95D commented 1 week ago

Netflix add-on version


Operative systems used


Kodi version used

Kodi 18 (Leia)

Description of the bug

Hi. 2 days ago I couldn't open Netflix anymore. It also failed on my browsers with a browser version error. I could fix it by updating this piece of code with new version strings:

    chrome_version = 'Chrome/'
    base = 'Mozilla/5.0 '
    base += '%PL% '
    base += 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
    base += '%CH_VER% Safari/537.36'.replace('%CH_VER%', chrome_version)

    if system in ['osx', 'ios', 'tvos']:
        return base.replace('%PL%', '(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5)')
    if system in ['windows', 'uwp']:
        return base.replace('%PL%', '(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)')
    # ARM based Linux
    if get_machine().startswith('arm'):
        # Last number is the platform version of Chrome OS
        return base.replace('%PL%', '(X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0)')
    # x86 Linux
    return base.replace('%PL%', '(X11; Linux x86_64)')

But after this, there was a key error. I tried to generate a new auth key and login, but there's a new error: "WebsiteParsingError: E-mail field not found". I'm unable to fix this one. Please help. I know that this version is old, but I can't update. LibreELEC v10+ is broken in so many ways...

Steps to reproduce the behavior

No response

Debug log - mandatory

Possible fix

No response

Additional context

No response


No response

M95D commented 1 week ago

As a workaround, I hardcoded my email address in resources/lib/services/nfsession/session/, after the failed regex match and it works once again.