Casterlabs / caffeinated

The code for Caffeinated.
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oh-my-posh causes app to fail to launch. #75

Open e3ndr opened 1 month ago

e3ndr commented 1 month ago

Logs from a user:

---------- 2024-05-28T04:46:26.242972600Z ----------
App Directory: C:\Users\JonesTown\AppData\Roaming\casterlabs-caffeinated
Log file: C:\Users\JonesTown\AppData\Roaming\casterlabs-caffeinated\logs\updater.log
Chosen Streamer: template
IPC communication timed out.
App isn't responding (or isn't open), attempting to kill it.
Build was not healthy, forcing redownload.
Downloading updates.
Updater CommandLine: __                               ____           
      / /___  ____  ___  _______  __   / __ \___ _   __
 __  / / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / /  / / / / _ \ | / /
/ /_/ / /_/ / / / /  __(__  ) /_/ /  / /_/ /  __/ |/ / 
\____/\____/_/ /_/\___/____/\__, /  /_____/\___/|___/  

"C:\Program Files\Casterlabs Caffeinated\Casterlabs-Caffeinated-Updater.exe"

Even when switching from bash to powershell as the default CLI, it still injects the garbage.

e3ndr commented 1 month ago

It's likely being injected in the powershell command used to get the current process' command-line here.