Open Castronova opened 8 years ago
These are the steps I have taken to setup the windows environment
After installing gitbash, and miniconda do the following: -- Clone the emit project
git clone -- Navigate to EMIT\dev_environment\ build-dev-environment.bat temp emit-env-win (temp will be the name of the enviroment, and emit-env-win contains the packages to be installed) activate temp (activate the environment) -- Pycharm->File->Settings->Project->Interpreter->Click on gear on top right->Load the python.exe from the minoconda/env/temp/python.exe
First error encounter is: ImportError: No module named geoalchemy I then did:
pip install geoalchemy
Second error encountered is: AttributeError: type object 'ColumnProperty' has no attribute 'ColumnComparator' That error has to do with odm2. I comment out the "from odm2api.ODMconnection import dbconnection as dbconnection2" in emit/utilities/
Third error countered is: ImportError: No module named shape file I commented out the "import shapefile" in ./utilities/
Fourth error is: ImportError: No module named suds.client I then did: -> pip install suds
Fifth error is: ImportError: No module names geoalchemy2 i then did: -> pip install geoalchemy2
Sixth error is 2nd error again. I then commented out everywhere that odm2api was imported
Seventh Error: ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. I tried pip install seaborn but nothing. So i commented out everywhere seaborn is imported.
Eighth Error: Same as error sixth and same solution
Finally: Success! It worked! EMIT opened and i was able to add a user and models
Notes -> pip install psycopg2
From your notes, it looks like the following libraries are missing from the emit-env
I updated the windows build script. @fran, try to build a new windows dev environment and let me know if you run into any more issues.
The new script worked!
This is the error i'm getting when i run $> pyinstaller emit.spec -y --clean on windows
PyInstaller.compat.FileNotFoundError: Path or glob "c:\users\miniconda2\envs\lib\libwx_osx_cocoau-" not found or matches no files.
Whenever I move the emit.spec file into its own directory (for example an folder called installer) the error i get is
"The system cannot find the path specified: C:\Users\EMIT\installer\app_data."
For some reason it does not find the appdata path or perhaps the ._. The line with d = Tree(abspath(join(os.getcwd(), 'app_data')), prefix='app_data') is what maybe causing this. I've tried changing the filepath and going up and down directories but always the same error.
Create an installer for windows.