CatHood0 / flutter_quill_delta_from_html

Convert easily HTML inputs content to Quill Delta format
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Added exception handling to color parsing #12

Closed mtallenca closed 1 month ago

mtallenca commented 1 month ago

Added exception handling when parsing a color value. Saw the following css color value on a website...

color: rgb(0 0 0/var(--tw-text-opacity));

Looks like something from Tailwind CSS. In any case, released code throws an exception and clipboard paste is halted.

EchoEllet commented 1 month ago

color: rgb(0 0 0/var(--tw-text-opacity));

It might be a good idea to comment on why the code returns null in case of any exception and when it throws an exception. Also, some tests cover this case so the fix won't removed accidentally.

CatHood0 commented 1 month ago

It might be a good idea to comment on why the code returns null in case of any exception and when it throws an exception. Also, some tests cover this case so the fix won't removed accidentally.

We could do better by creating exceptions controlled by the developer himself. That is, adding functions so that in any case in which an exception is thrown, the developer is the one who decides what to do with the object that is going to be given to him (whether he will do a rethrow, or show his own custom exception, or just show a message)

mtallenca commented 1 month ago

In my case, someone was trying to paste a blob of html into flutter_quill editor and one color style was causing the exception so nothing was pasted. Not sure a calling application would have any idea how to handle the exception, at a minimum the text should paste, which is what happens with the current try / catch.

EchoEllet commented 1 month ago

In my case, someone was trying to paste a blob of html into flutter_quill editor and one color style was causing the exception so nothing was pasted

Maybe we could paste as plain text when in case of a failure. I'm thinking about adding paste as a plain text option in the context menu or disabling the rich text paste by default completely in v11 as default.

In either case, in v11, it's possible to override the default without rewriting it completely.

EchoEllet commented 1 month ago

In my case, someone was trying to paste a blob of html into flutter_quill editor and one color style was causing the exception so nothing was pasted

Maybe we could paste as plain text when in case of a failure. I'm thinking about adding paste as a plain text feature or disabling the rich text paste by default completely.

I welcome suggestions.

In either case, in v11, it's possible to override the default without rewriting it completely.

mtallenca commented 1 month ago

I do like the the html paste but need control over what attributes are allowed as our editor implementation doesn't allow all of the editor features. Having a plain text feature or a callback to edit pasted delta would be better than what I'm doing now.

` onReplaceText: (index, len, data) { var changed = false; final operations = [];

      if (data is Delta) {
        for (final op in data.operations) {
          final attributes = <String, dynamic>{};
          for (final key in op.attributes?.keys ?? <String>[]) {
            if (!['color', 'font', 'background', 'link', 'size', 'line-height', 'header']
                .contains(key)) {
              attributes[key] = op.attributes![key];
            } else {
              changed = true;
          operations.add(Operation.insert(, attributes.isEmpty ? null : attributes));

        if (changed) {
          WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
            final newDelta = Delta.fromOperations(operations);
            _controller!.replaceText(index, len, newDelta, _controller!.selection);

          return false;

      return true;
EchoEllet commented 4 weeks ago

Can file an issue with the details on Flutter Quill repo? So we don't lose track of it, with your suggestion, and what do you think would be better with an example.

I plan on looking at this issue soon.