Cataclysmanic / GO2022

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Build 3 new standalone level/scenes #87

Closed plexsoup closed 1 year ago

plexsoup commented 1 year ago

Capybara wants to have unique scenes for combat scenarios.

Plexsoup proposed we keep most of the city as is, but make 2-3 unique scenes for custom buildings.

CapybaraMan - Coder: Instead of the buildings interior being part of the city when you enter a building, you go into the building scene. [5:32 PM]CapybaraMan - Coder: I’m not proposing that we scrap the city. [5:39 PM]CapybaraMan - Coder: I propose we make the combat indoors, and the exploration outside in the city.


[7:07 PM]plexsoup: What if we take two or three buildings and make them unique scenes? Then we can leave most of what I've built, and we'll only have to make 2-3 new scenes/levels. [7:08 PM]plexsoup: Maybe we give the keys to the quest-givers outside. [7:08 PM]plexsoup: Once the player has the required item, they can enter the custom buildings. [7:08 PM]CapybaraMan - Coder: That would be cool


[7:10 PM]plexsoup: Maybe one of the residences, one of the commercial buildings, and the giant municipal hall should be unique? We could do a train station somewhere too if you've already got a train scene started.

plexsoup commented 1 year ago


plexsoup commented 1 year ago
plexsoup: Scene 1: no cops anywhere. free exploration. Meet up with Femme-Fatale somewhere and she sends you to the house. NPCs are mostly friendly.
[7:27 PM]plexsoup: Scene 2: enter house. Find corpse. maybe fight some cops?
[7:28 PM]plexsoup: Scene 3: outside again, now cops start arriving in police cars slowly. Maybe some NPCs are hostile.
[7:28 PM]plexsoup: Scene 4: market... ?
[7:28 PM]plexsoup: ...
[7:28 PM]plexsoup: Big finale at the Municipal Hall
[7:29 PM]CapybaraMan - Coder: the market could be a scene where you confront some old cop friends while resupplying and have to fight them. kind of like a miniboss.
[7:30 PM]plexsoup: sounds good. your old ally turns out to be the twist double-cross. Great film-noir trope.
plexsoup commented 1 year ago

Switched to a single boss fight.