CatalogueOfLife / checklistbank

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How do I publish a partial checklist of Catalogue of Life? #1045

Closed sginzbar closed 2 years ago

sginzbar commented 2 years ago

I would like to publish a partial checklist, just the tracheophyta, the vascular plants, from the Catalogue of Life. How do I do this with ChecklistBank?

Steven Ginzbarg

mdoering commented 2 years ago

Hi Steven, do you want to publish your own dataset or download a part of the Catalogue of Life? For downloads you need to have a GBIF account, then you can filter by any group you like.

For publishing your data it needs to be in a supported format such as Darwin Core or ColDP.

sginzbar commented 2 years ago

Hi Markus,

I want to download a part of Catalogue of Life. I have a GBIF account. How do I filter CoL by a group?


mdoering commented 2 years ago

Hi Steve, you go to the downloads page of the latest release (LR) of the COL Checklist:

When logged in you can chose a root taxon, format and some other options. It will take a few minutes to prepare and you will be notified by email once ready.

sginzbar commented 2 years ago

Hi Marcus,

I figured that out. I chose dwca and include bare names. The bare names were not included, maybe because there is not a dwc term for them. When I clicked the download button a message popped up with the url where the download was supposed to be but the page was not found. When I clicked on the link in the email it downloaded.


mdoering commented 2 years ago

Yes, the link is the same as in the mail, but only available once ready. Bare names should not exist in the COL, there are 7 in the latest release apparently:

sginzbar commented 2 years ago

Hi Markus,

I downloaded again DwCA. I didn't check include bare names but they were included. I never received the email from COL Downloads this time. It wasn't in my Junk Email. After waiting I was able to get the download from the link in the popup.


sginzbar commented 2 years ago

Hi Markus,

I chose the phylum Tracheophyta as my root taxon but I got other phyla as well.

Tracheophyta | phylum | Leucophyta R.Br. | phylum | Bolophyta Nutt. | phylum | Picrophyta F.Muell. | phylum | Centrophyta Rchb. | phylum | Kentrophyta Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray | phylum | Basileophyta F.Muell. | phylum | Conophyta Schum. ex Hook.fil. | phylum | Equisetophyta D.H.Scott | phylum


mdoering commented 2 years ago

I looked into your archive and it seems all the other phyla are treated as synonyms. Searching for Leucophyta shows it is a synonym for the genus Calocephalus though, so there is definitely sth wrong.


sginzbar commented 1 year ago

Hi Markus,

I want to download a part of Catalogue of Life. I have a GBIF account. How do I filter CoL by a group?


mdoering commented 1 year ago

Follow this link I gave above and chose a root taxon & format to download: