CatalogueOfLife / checklistbank

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Label merged names or modified names in xCOL to distinguish from the names coming from the COL Checklist #1382

Open DianRHR opened 7 months ago

DianRHR commented 7 months ago

It is important to include a visible label or mark to all the names merged in the xCOL or even those from the COL Checklist whose information was modified resulting from the merge (i. e. authority added).

This would facilitate the revisions of the xCOL, to filter issues in CLB only for those names and, eventually, when the XCOL become available for public consultation on the COL page.

thomasstjerne commented 3 months ago

@mdoering as we discussed in cph, there should be a simple flag on each taxon / name to verify if it is an XCOL / merged name. It would cause the UI make many requests if it were to lookup sectors for every taxon in a tree or search result .

sth like xcol: true or sectorType: merge

thomasstjerne commented 3 months ago

@camiplata could you please transfer this issue to ? I don´t seem to have the rights to do that

mdoering commented 3 months ago

@thomasstjerne you should have rights to xcol now

mdoering commented 3 months ago

Can we clarify where exactly in the UI this flag is relevant? All data entities are related to a sector, so we can/should not only flag taxa, but also synonyms, vernaculars, etc. In detail

anything else?

mdoering commented 3 months ago

I find the asterisk prefix on names in search results a bit irritating - even if you know what it means. I would not tie it to the name - better indicate it elsewhere or in a new tiny column?


mdoering commented 3 months ago

mdoering commented 3 months ago

Here is a demo taxon with merged synonyms:

As mentioned above we need to label all info records on these detail pages