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Review COL sources that have not been updated for years #235

Open mdoering opened 3 years ago

mdoering commented 3 years ago

Can we force an update of all datasets that have not been updated since years? Some are older than 10 years already. Ideally we should get a list of all these resources from the ChecklistBank dataset search. But there is no clear date for this, just an unstructured version field? Do we need to manage a new dataLastModified date?

chantalhuijbers commented 3 years ago

FYI, as part of my data license plan, I have checked what kind of license each GSD has on their own website and also noted whether there website included a more recent version of the data than we have. There are probably ~15 GSDs with updated datasets, and it would be great to get these into COL, but we need to discuss whether we have capacity for this, and how to manage this workload for Yury and Geoff.

I think a dataLastModified field would be helpful if we think that is quite different to the version date.

mdoering commented 3 years ago

Should it not be simpler for users to understand which sources have been updated when? The overview list does not mention even a version:

chantalhuijbers commented 3 years ago

The version is listed in the metadata when you click on a dataset, but I agree that maybe adding a column in the overview table with Last Updated would make it much more transparent to users.