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Non-Latin letters in scientific names and authorships #409

Open aoern opened 2 years ago

aoern commented 2 years ago

There are 42 taxa that contain Cyrillic letters in scientific names or authorship strings and 4 taxa containing Greek letters (Feb 2022 edition).

These letters may look like corresponding Latin letters, for example Latin a and Cyrillic а. In any case, they are annoying when searching or comparing strings for equality.

These errors might be caught already in backend side?

The complete list of these errors is found below. The first line gives the ID and scientific name, the second one the erroneous string and the third one the error letter, its position in the string and the unicode code number and its explanation.


WoRMS Holothuroidea: 329GZ Cucumaria croceoϊda scientificName: Cucumaria croceoϊda ϊ 17 970 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika) specificEpithet: croceoϊda ϊ 7 970 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika)

WoRMS Amphipoda: 69CGZ Caribboecetes progreso authorship: Paz-Rίos & Ardisson, 2013 ί 6 943 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Tonos)


StaphBase: RFFG Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) rougemoпti scientificName: Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) rougemoпti п 34 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: rougemoпti п 8 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83BKD Profusulinella оblопgа scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа о 16 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа о 19 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа п 20 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа а 22 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) specificEpithet: оblопgа о 1 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) specificEpithet: оblопgа о 4 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) specificEpithet: оblопgа п 5 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: оblопgа а 7 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 3QD22 Issia singulati authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 1995 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TJHF Unio byzantinus authorship: Drouёt, 1879 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 3HMRC Gurleya orchestiae authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & Kurandina, 1987 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 47R86 Nosema pontogammari authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & Kurandina, 1987 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 823SW Bigenerina iпfrapaleogenica scientificName: Bigenerina iпfrapaleogenica п 13 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: iпfrapaleogenica п 2 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe)

WoRMS Nematoda, Nemys: 8G2ZS Allgeniella humila authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 а 2 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 а 4 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 а 13 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 с 16 1089 (Cyrillic Small Letter Es)

FADA Cladocera: 6RMDJ Moina chankensis authorship: Uénо, 1939 о 4 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 663KB Agglomerata connexa authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 2001 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 7ZZNV Anomalina badkhyseпsis scientificName: Anomalina badkhyseпsis п 19 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: badkhyseпsis п 9 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe)

WoRMS Mollusca: 8MXBR Pressidens insularis authorship: (Drouёt, 1894) ё 6 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83Z9K Bolivina suьincrassata var. caucasica scientificName: Bolivina suьincrassata var. caucasica ь 12 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: suьincrassata ь 3 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

Species Fungorum Plus: 4MC2R Priceomyces fermenticarens authorship: (Van der Walt & Baker) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. М 49 1052 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Em) authorship: (Van der Walt & Baker) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. Т 51 1058 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Te)

Species Fungorum Plus: 4MC2V Priceomyces northwykensis authorship: (R.Sreen. Rao, N. Donovan, Shivaji, Arunasri, S.A. James, C.J. Bond, I.N. Roberts & P.J. Hobbs) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. М 122 1052 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Em) authorship: (R.Sreen. Rao, N. Donovan, Shivaji, Arunasri, S.A. James, C.J. Bond, I.N. Roberts & P.J. Hobbs) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. Т 124 1058 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Te)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 4373S Microsporidium stagnalis authorship: P.J.Kilochitskii, M.О.Ovcharenko, Polkovenko & Shostak, 2001 О 21 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 43726 Microsporidium kosewiense authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 2003 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

WoRMS Echinoidea: 84BHL Notechinus novae-zealandiӕ scientificName: Notechinus novae-zealandiӕ ӕ 26 1237 (Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie) specificEpithet: novae-zealandiӕ ӕ 15 1237 (Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie)

WoRMS Nematoda, Nemys: 8GCLZ Metachromadora minor authorship: Gagaгin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2010 г 5 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 3KFYB Helmichia anomala authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 2001 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

WoRMS Mollusca: 72CD3 Limnaea atkaёnsis scientificName: Limnaea atkaёnsis ё 13 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io) specificEpithet: atkaёnsis ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 82KFB Fusulina notaьila scientificName: Fusulina notaьila ь 14 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: notaьila ь 5 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TJC2 Unio (Eolymnium) byzantinus authorship: Drouёt, 1879 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 824BF Bolivina dilataьilis scientificName: Bolivina dilataьilis ь 16 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: dilataьilis ь 7 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83Z9L Bolivina suьincrassata var. costata scientificName: Bolivina suьincrassata var. costata ь 12 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: suьincrassata ь 3 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Mollusca: 8S345 Anodonta milletii authorship: Ray & Drouёt, 1848 ё 11 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 824NF Bolivina suьincrassata scientificName: Bolivina suьincrassata ь 12 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: suьincrassata ь 3 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Mollusca: 8S33Z Anodonta dupuyi authorship: Ray & Drouёt, 1849 ё 11 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TK7H Unio trompi authorship: Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

FADA Cladocera: 6RMDM Moina brevicaudata authorship: Вär, 1924 В 1 1042 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TK4X Unio sieversi authorship: Drouёt, 1881 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

*FADA Cladocera: 43V26 Moina salinarum authorship: Gurneу, 1909 у 6 1091 (Cyrillic Small Letter U)

World Spider Catalog: 45QM7 Nasoona indianа scientificName: Nasoona indianа а 15 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) specificEpithet: indianа а 7 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A)

WoRMS Nematoda, Nemys: 8G6TN Desmodora vietnamica authorship: Gagaгin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2010 г 5 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7STXX Pseudodon crassus authorship: Drouёt in Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io) authorship: Drouёt in Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 15 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7V2J5 Pyramidula (Pyramidula) rupestris рrzevalskii scientificName: Pyramidula (Pyramidula) rupestris рrzevalskii р 35 1088 (Cyrillic Small Letter Er) infraspecificEpithet: рrzevalskii р 1 1088 (Cyrillic Small Letter Er)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7STXS Pseudodon aeneolus authorship: Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

FADA Cladocera: 73MDY Moina microphthalma authorship: Sаrs, 1903 а 2 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7R6GQ Elongaria trompi authorship: (Drouёt & Chaper, 1892) ё 6 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83PKJ Tetrataxis toгosus scientificName: Tetrataxis toгosus г 14 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe) specificEpithet: toгosus г 3 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe)

Microsporidia, P Kirk: 3SBP2 Larssonia hiberna authorship: P.J.Kilochitskii, M.О.Ovcharenko, Polkovenko & Shostak, 2001 О 21 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7S6QN Monodontina aeneola authorship: (Drouёt & Chaper, 1892) ё 6 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @aoern!

I'll add providers to these names, and will notify them about reported issues. Pointed letters should be fixed in the source.

mdoering commented 2 years ago

We do flag "homoglyph" issues in the sources, but they can appear anywhere not just in the name:

When you hit the "homoglyph" pill the UI will show where the specific characters is. In the cases above it seems to be some odd kind of dash. To improve the usefullness I suppose we should flag homoglyphs in names with a special issue? And we need to add a routine to validate an entire project like COL to spot those issues also in COL not just in the sources.

I am not sure if Cucumaria croceoϊda should be considered an error. It is like that in the source, it is considered a synonym and it probably is also the original spelling. So why should that be changed?

I agree for searching it would be good to ascii fold that character into an i. Is that not working already?

mdoering commented 2 years ago

@thomasstjerne @yroskov I think noone will know you can press the homoglyph pill - should we maybe do the highlighting automatically on verbatim pages? Any other ideas?

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Re-sorted, see the topic above:

For attention of @bart-v:


WoRMS Holothuroidea: 329GZ Cucumaria croceoϊda scientificName: Cucumaria croceoϊda ϊ 17 970 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika) specificEpithet: croceoϊda ϊ 7 970 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika)

WoRMS Amphipoda: 69CGZ Caribboecetes progreso authorship: Paz-Rίos & Ardisson, 2013 ί 6 943 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Tonos)


WoRMS Foraminifera: 83BKD Profusulinella оblопgа scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа о 16 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа о 19 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа п 20 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) scientificName: Profusulinella оblопgа а 22 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) specificEpithet: оblопgа о 1 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) specificEpithet: оblопgа о 4 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O) specificEpithet: оblопgа п 5 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: оblопgа а 7 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 823SW Bigenerina iпfrapaleogenica scientificName: Bigenerina iпfrapaleogenica п 13 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: iпfrapaleogenica п 2 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 7ZZNV Anomalina badkhyseпsis scientificName: Anomalina badkhyseпsis п 19 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: badkhyseпsis п 9 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83Z9K Bolivina suьincrassata var. caucasica scientificName: Bolivina suьincrassata var. caucasica ь 12 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: suьincrassata ь 3 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 82KFB Fusulina notaьila scientificName: Fusulina notaьila ь 14 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: notaьila ь 5 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 824BF Bolivina dilataьilis scientificName: Bolivina dilataьilis ь 16 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: dilataьilis ь 7 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83Z9L Bolivina suьincrassata var. costata scientificName: Bolivina suьincrassata var. costata ь 12 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: suьincrassata ь 3 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 824NF Bolivina suьincrassata scientificName: Bolivina suьincrassata ь 12 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign) specificEpithet: suьincrassata ь 3 1100 (Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign)

WoRMS Foraminifera: 83PKJ Tetrataxis toгosus scientificName: Tetrataxis toгosus г 14 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe) specificEpithet: toгosus г 3 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TJHF Unio byzantinus authorship: Drouёt, 1879 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 8MXBR Pressidens insularis authorship: (Drouёt, 1894) ё 6 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 72CD3 Limnaea atkaёnsis scientificName: Limnaea atkaёnsis ё 13 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io) specificEpithet: atkaёnsis ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TJC2 Unio (Eolymnium) byzantinus authorship: Drouёt, 1879 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 8S345 Anodonta milletii authorship: Ray & Drouёt, 1848 ё 11 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 8S33Z Anodonta dupuyi authorship: Ray & Drouёt, 1849 ё 11 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TK7H Unio trompi authorship: Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7TK4X Unio sieversi authorship: Drouёt, 1881 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7STXX Pseudodon crassus authorship: Drouёt in Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io) authorship: Drouёt in Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 15 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7V2J5 Pyramidula (Pyramidula) rupestris рrzevalskii scientificName: Pyramidula (Pyramidula) rupestris рrzevalskii р 35 1088 (Cyrillic Small Letter Er) infraspecificEpithet: рrzevalskii р 1 1088 (Cyrillic Small Letter Er)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7STXS Pseudodon aeneolus authorship: Drouёt & Chaper, 1892 ё 5 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7R6GQ Elongaria trompi authorship: (Drouёt & Chaper, 1892) ё 6 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Mollusca: 7S6QN Monodontina aeneola authorship: (Drouёt & Chaper, 1892) ё 6 1105 (Cyrillic Small Letter Io)

WoRMS Nematoda, Nemys: 8G2ZS Allgeniella humila authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 а 2 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 а 4 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 а 13 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) authorship: Bаrаnova & Dаshсhenko, 1992 с 16 1089 (Cyrillic Small Letter Es)

WoRMS Nematoda, Nemys: 8GCLZ Metachromadora minor authorship: Gagaгin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2010 г 5 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe)

WoRMS Nematoda, Nemys: 8G6TN Desmodora vietnamica authorship: Gagaгin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2010 г 5 1075 (Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe)

WoRMS Echinoidea: 84BHL Notechinus novae-zealandiӕ scientificName: Notechinus novae-zealandiӕ ӕ 26 1237 (Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie) specificEpithet: novae-zealandiӕ ӕ 15 1237 (Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie)

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Re-sorted, see above:


For attention of @yroskov:

StaphBase RFFG Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) rougemoпti scientificName: Carpelimus (Trogophloeus) rougemoпti п 34 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe) specificEpithet: rougemoпti п 8 1087 (Cyrillic Small Letter Pe)

FADA Cladocera: 6RMDJ Moina chankensis authorship: Uénо, 1939 о 4 1086 (Cyrillic Small Letter O)

FADA Cladocera: 6RMDM Moina brevicaudata authorship: Вär, 1924 В 1 1042 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve)

FADA Cladocera: 43V26 Moina salinarum authorship: Gurneу, 1909 у 6 1091 (Cyrillic Small Letter U)

FADA Cladocera: 73MDY Moina microphthalma authorship: Sаrs, 1903 а 2 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A)

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Re-sorted, see the topic above:

For attention of D Gloor

World Spider Catalog: 45QM7 Nasoona indianа scientificName: Nasoona indianа а 15 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A) specificEpithet: indianа а 7 1072 (Cyrillic Small Letter A)

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Re-sorted, see the topic above:

For attention of P Kirk:

Microsporidia: 3QD22 Issia singulati authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 1995 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 3HMRC Gurleya orchestiae authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & Kurandina, 1987 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 47R86 Nosema pontogammari authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & Kurandina, 1987 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 663KB Agglomerata connexa authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 2001 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 4373S Microsporidium stagnalis authorship: P.J.Kilochitskii, M.О.Ovcharenko, Polkovenko & Shostak, 2001 О 21 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 43726 Microsporidium kosewiense authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 2003 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 3KFYB Helmichia anomala authorship: M.О.Ovcharenko & I.Wita, 2001 О 3 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Microsporidia: 3SBP2 Larssonia hiberna authorship: P.J.Kilochitskii, M.О.Ovcharenko, Polkovenko & Shostak, 2001 О 21 1054 (Cyrillic Capital Letter O)

Species Fungorum Plus: 4MC2R Priceomyces fermenticarens authorship: (Van der Walt & Baker) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. М 49 1052 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Em) authorship: (Van der Walt & Baker) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. Т 51 1058 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Te)

Species Fungorum Plus: 4MC2V Priceomyces northwykensis authorship: (R.Sreen. Rao, N. Donovan, Shivaji, Arunasri, S.A. James, C.J. Bond, I.N. Roberts & P.J. Hobbs) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. М 122 1052 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Em) authorship: (R.Sreen. Rao, N. Donovan, Shivaji, Arunasri, S.A. James, C.J. Bond, I.N. Roberts & P.J. Hobbs) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, М.Т. Sm., Stoil.-Dish. & M. Groenew. Т 124 1058 (Cyrillic Capital Letter Te)

mdoering commented 2 years ago

One example I remember is the plant genus Isoёtes originally spelled like this by Linneaus:

mdoering commented 2 years ago

Many of these homoglyphs likely come from bad OCRs

yroskov commented 2 years ago

...Isoёtes originally spelled like this by Linneaus

Botanical Code (article 60.7) requires to replace diacritic letters in scientific names with Latin transcription ( ICZN, article 27 prohibits use of diacritics, apostrophes and ligatures in scientific names (

Unfortunately, rules do not require Latin transcription of authorstrings.

In most GSDs and in the CoL, the originally spelled names (with diacritics, ligatures, figures, etc.) are allowed among Synonyms.

But, it is a different subject. Ari pointed to Greek & Cyrillic characters which should not be present in sci. names.

mdoering commented 2 years ago

I did not want to distract from the majority of russian/greek homoglyphs. But one of the first examples was this:

WoRMS Holothuroidea: 329GZ Cucumaria croceoϊda scientificName: Cucumaria croceoϊda ϊ 17 970 (Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika)

I did not see that this is actually a greek ι with a diaeresis, not and i. Because if you read the entire §60.7 from ICN it states that exactly the diaeresis is optional and thus can be used:

The diaeresis, indicating that a vowel is to be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel (as in Cephaëlis, Isoëtes), is a phonetic device that is not considered to alter the spelling; as such, its use is optional.

We need to allow for the original spellings in the synonymy. But obviously not with bad homoglyphs!

mdoering commented 2 years ago

We catch some of those with the unusual name characters issue.

yroskov commented 2 years ago

But one of the first examples...

Yes. Our task is just to alert GSD authors about suspicious cases, they will make their decision whether it's a mistake or not.

yroskov commented 2 years ago

We catch...

Of course

bart-v commented 2 years ago

All WoRMS entries reported here are fixed. In the case where the original spelling was not according to ICZN rules, and requires a mandatory change, we still document this, and prefer to keep it as a synonym. Authority names obvious do not need to follow this "latin rule".

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Thank you Bart!