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Fix WoRMS Scleractinia metadata #454

Closed mdoering closed 1 year ago

mdoering commented 2 years ago

The World List of Scleractinia has the editors in wrong order in the source archive provided by WoRMS: World List of Scleractinia

Hoeksema should be the first editor according to The editors are also listed there wrongly though and only the citation is correct.

Access to the URL is restricted, here is the metadata:

09:26:16 UTC colprodapps-vh ~/worms $ cat metadata.yml 
title: 'World List of Scleractinia'
alias: 'WoRMS Scleractinia'
description: 'This global marine species list is part of the World Register of Marine Species database, which aims to provide the most authoritative list of names of all marine species globally. Data have been contributed to the Catalogue of Life via the WoRMS, hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ).'
geographicScope: Global
taxonomicScope: 'hard corals'
temporalScope: 1758-2022
confidence: '4'
completeness: '95'
license: CC-BY
version: 'ver. (08/2022)'
released: '2022-08-01'
website: ''
logo: ''
citation: 'Hoeksema, B. W.; Cairns, S. (2022). World List of Scleractinia. Accessed at on 2022-08-01'
code: zoological
gazetteer: mrgid
    - { givenName: Bert, familyName: Hoeksema, email: }
    - { givenName: Stephen, familyName: Cairns, email: }
    - { givenName: Bert, familyName: Hoeksema, email:, orcid: 0000-0001-8259-3783 }
    - { name: 'Smithsonian Institution; National Museum of Natural History Department of Invertebrate Zoology', country: USA }
    - { name: 'Naturalis Biodiversity Center Department of Marine Zoology', country: Netherlands }
    - { name: 'Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee', country: Belgium }
mdoering commented 2 years ago

please add also orcid 0000-0001-7209-9271 for stephen cairns

mdoering commented 1 year ago

The wrong author order seems to apply for most WoRMS metadata

bart-v commented 1 year ago

As you can see, in the version of 2023-05-01, this has been fixed

    - { givenName: Bert, familyName: Hoeksema, email:, orcid: 0000-0001-8259-3783 }
    - { givenName: Stephen, familyName: Cairns, email: }

We'll add the ORCID

mdoering commented 1 year ago

Excellent! Will this also be true for the other WoRMS datasets in ChecklistBank?

bart-v commented 1 year ago

Yes, normally it should

olafbanki commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bart, I hope this resolves the authorship issue with WoRMS data sets in COL.

olafbanki commented 1 year ago

@bart-v just checking two datasets and The authorships look good, but I notice that the names of the persons are in the editor field and their organisations are in the contributor field. Just so you know, both person and ORCID and organisation can be put into the same field:

bart-v commented 1 year ago

Yes, this can probably be improved

DianRHR commented 1 year ago

@bart-v we checked all WoRMS datasets metadata at ChecklistBank vs. their citations at and found mismatch in 13 datasets. You can find them in the file attached, where differences are highlighted in bold letters. Worms metadata check 20230510.xlsx

please let us know if you have any comments.

bart-v commented 1 year ago

Thanks, we'll look into this

How can there be bold letters in a CSV? Can you provide an XLS or similar?

camiplata commented 1 year ago

Hi Bart! Here are the details of the mismatch:

For the following two dataset CLB has ha detailed list of authors but WoRMS has a more general cite, to make such a change you need to tremove all authors and set the single editor with the name of the database for example"MolluscaBase"

We couldn't check Brachiopoda as it is mising on the GSDs list

camiplata commented 1 year ago

Hi @bart-v ! Next Annual COL Checklist will be release on June, please let us know if you need some extra hands to update the citation of the remaining datasets for the next dump of WoRMS

bart-v commented 1 year ago

Thanks, we'll manage

camiplata commented 1 year ago

Hi Bart, we made a full review of the citation of the Jun version of all WORMS sources, most the differences we pointed out above have been addressed, however, we found some major an minor issues.

Major: significant differences on the editors information, those affecting the citation

Minor: slight differences between CLB and WoRMS in format of the citation, please just clarify if this is really a point to fix or not (to consider in future revisions).

Sources that have a range of dates on the original citation, but in CLB only one date can be added to the citation. In these cases we suggest to add this dates range on the abstract of each source:

Sources with slight differences on the authors initials:

Sources that in WoRMS have an specific URL and a DOI, but in CLB only have a DOI

WoRMS Hydrozoa WoRMS Ophiuroidea WoRMS Pycnogonida

Sources that have a general URL to but on the original citation they have a more specific one:

bart-v commented 1 year ago

It's hard to rely on a comment like this if I just check one answer and it's wrong... "Sources that have a general URL: MolluscaBase" = wrong

DianRHR commented 1 year ago

we didn't want to confuse you. In the specific case of Mollusca , here is the differerence, that we consider a minor issue, but still wanted to let you know: how it is in WoRMS: image

and how it is in CLB: image

bart-v commented 1 year ago

We provide this twice in yaml, but it's not used in COLDP

website: ''
citation: 'MolluscaBase eds. (2023). MolluscaBase. Accessed at on 2023-06-01. doi:10.14284/448'

We can look at this later.

For now, we'll focus on the "editors" (Major issues reported by you) Thanks for this, we'll come back to this in the next days.

DianRHR commented 1 year ago

@bart-v following your comments by e-mail I already updated citations in CLB for 5 datasets as follows:

Cumacea: Metadata is visible now and NO CORRECTIONS were needed.

Polychaeta: citation was corrected to Read, G., & Fauchald, K. (2023). World Polychaeta Database (ver. (06/2023)).

Brachyura: citation was corrected to Ng K.L., P., & Davie, P. (2023). World List of marine Brachyura (ver. (06/2023)).

Gastrotricha: citation was corrected to Todaro, A., & d’Hondt, J.-L. (2023). World Gastrotricha Database (ver. (06/2023)).

Brachiopoda: citation was corrected to WoRMS. (2023). World Brachiopoda Database (ver. (06/2023)). Current license in CLB: CC-BY Christian Emig and his e-mail were deleted from the "Contact" field in CLB.

Corallimorpharia: citation was corrected to Daly, M., & Fautin, D. (2023). World List of Corallimorpharia (ver. (06/2023)).

Please remember that these changes are temporary and only work for this month up to the next WoRMS update to ChecklistBank.

bart-v commented 1 year ago

One last update: since a few months we do have a WoRMS editor for Brachiopoda So, the citation becomes: Verhoeff, T. (2023). World Brachiopoda Database (...)

yroskov commented 1 year ago

Many tanks! I'll do preview release with all these changes at the end Wd, 2023-06-14. It will available online at

You all are very welcome to check this "proof".

yroskov commented 1 year ago

The latest proof is ready for your checks:

DianRHR commented 1 year ago

Metadata for al WORMS datasets were updated and ready for the Annual release. However, detailed corrections will be done by the WORMS team in each matadata file for future versions.