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Fill CoL gap: class/order **Diplura** #577

Open yroskov opened 10 months ago

yroskov commented 10 months ago

For consideration by the Taxonomy Group (@dhobern & @olafbanki), 2023-11-02:

Dataset title Global checklist published in the paper of 2021 (Ed pointed to this paper): Diversity, ecology, distribution and biogeography of Diplura by Alberto Sendra, Alberto Jiménez-Valverde, Jesús Selfa, Ana Sofia P. S. Reboleira

Dataset contact & access The checklist is available as a spreadsheet as a supplement to the paper Also, it might be available with extended data or as a databse from the authors. @gdower may crawl data in the CLB.

Taxonomic group & CoL sector It's gap in the CoL: kingdom: Animalia > phylum: Arthropoda > class: Diplura

Dataset description Complete checklist with 1008 accepted species, which belong to 141 genera and 10 families

yroskov commented 10 months ago

@dhobern, as soon as TG give a green light, I'll contact authors for more information about the checklist and permission to use data in the CoL

mdoering commented 10 months ago

I have converted the excel sheet to coldp here:

and imported into a private dataset here:

yroskov commented 10 months ago

I have converted the excel sheet to coldp here

Thank you, @mdoering. I am not sure that the spreadsheet attached to the paper contains all data which we need (for example, synonyms and combinations are missing there). We need to contact the authors for more details after TG has confirm the interest.

olafbanki commented 10 months ago

Thanks Yuri! If you get a go from the COL Taxonomy Group could you also immediately make a request for either a CC-0 or a CC-BY license? The present license of the article is not workable: @camiplata can assist you with some text explanation of either a CC-0 or CC-BY license.

mdoering commented 5 months ago

Any progress here? Is there much debate needed if we have a true gap with no species at all currently? Anything is better than that

DaveNicolson commented 5 months ago

I understood that complete gaps in COL should be filled with the first credible/robust data source available, and it sounds like that's this paper. If the data can be handled through Checklist Bank into COL that sounds relatively quick and easy if the author agrees to it.

Otherwise we can add it to the queue for ITIS work, so it would take time.

mdoering commented 5 months ago

I have digitised the list and it is accessible in CLB here:

941 accepted species, some infraspecies (all subspecies?) and a classification with subfamilies. There are no synonyms or vernacular names, but if the authors indeed have that somewhere these can easily be added in the next round and should not prevent us from filling this total gap.

mdoering commented 5 months ago

Things that can still be improved in the ColDP file: