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Regression for Parisoma Swainson, 1832 #800

Open ahahn-gbif opened 1 month ago

ahahn-gbif commented 1 month ago

At species level (where available), Parisoma is listed as a synonym of Sylvia. This seems to be lost, compared to the previous version.

  "count": 12830,
  "verbatim_taxonID": "null",
  "verbatim_taxonConceptID": "null",
  "verbatim_scientificNameID": "null",
  "verbatim_kingdom": "Animalia",
  "verbatim_phylum": "Chordata",
  "verbatim_class": "Aves",
  "verbatim_order": "null",
  "verbatim_family": "null",
  "verbatim_genus": "Parisoma",
  "verbatim_species": "subcaeruleum",
  "verbatim_infra": "null",
  "verbatim_rank": "null",
  "verbatim_verbatimRank": "null",
  "verbatim_scientificName": "Parisoma subcaeruleum",
  "verbatim_generic": "null",
  "verbatim_author": "null",
  "current_kingdom": "Animalia",
  "current_phylum": "Chordata",
  "current_class": "Aves",
  "current_order": "Passeriformes",
  "current_family": "Sylviidae",
  "current_genus": "Sylvia",
  "current_subGenus": "null",
  "current_species": "null",
  "current_scientificName": "Parisoma Swainson, 1832",
  "current_acceptedScientificName": "Sylvia Scopoli, 1769",
  "proposed_kingdom": "Animalia",
  "proposed_phylum": "Chordata",
  "proposed_class": "Aves",
  "proposed_order": "null",
  "proposed_family": "null",
  "proposed_genus": "null",
  "proposed_subGenus": "null",
  "proposed_species": "null",
  "proposed_scientificName": "Aves",
  "proposed_acceptedScientificName": "Aves",
  "debug_url": " subcaeruleum&specificEpithet=subcaeruleum&strict=false",
  "_key": 17962,
  "changes": {
    "order": true,
    "family": true,
    "genus": true,
    "scientificName": true,
    "acceptedScientificName": true
  "reviewed": false
DianRHR commented 4 weeks ago

Any of the sources, either COL or xRelease includes Parisoma or Parisoma subcaeruleum. The sources available in CLB that include this genus don't meet the quality standard to include them. The mathching and the impact tool are working fine in this case.