We found several occurrences and databases using a different authorship: Libellulidae Rambur, 1842 probably this is a synonym for the valid Libellulidae Leach, 1815, would it be possible to ask the authors of the GSD if it would be possible to add Libellulidae Rambur, 1842 as a synonym (if it is) to improve usage and matching of the list and COL?
Describe the problem:
We found several occurrences and databases using a different authorship: Libellulidae
Rambur, 1842
probably this is a synonym for the valid Libellulidae Leach, 1815, would it be possible to ask the authors of the GSD if it would be possible to add LibellulidaeRambur, 1842
as a synonym (if it is) to improve usage and matching of the list and COL?Link to effected CoL webpages: