I completely concur with the ideas re OTOL from @rdmpage. It seems to me that a vast majority of functionality (data modelling, tooling, etc.) could re-use OTOL's efforts, which I consider to be very well implemented as these things go. The underlying core data structures should be the same (graphs, studies). OTOL already has means to accession studies and graphs (= GSDs or individual databases and their classifications/checklists). OTOL has tools like the OTU mapper (potentially extractable - https://github.com/SpeciesFileGroup/otu_mapping_widget), which is a basic component to a Editorial (combining GSDs) interfaces, i.e. mapping known to unknown. Substitute branch lengths for NOMEN relationships (or something similar, I'm just using it as an example), and you have most of the expressiveness you need for the nomencator (facts, not opinions). OTOL's collections are the obvious basis/proxy for opinions (taxon concepts).
I completely concur with the ideas re OTOL from @rdmpage. It seems to me that a vast majority of functionality (data modelling, tooling, etc.) could re-use OTOL's efforts, which I consider to be very well implemented as these things go. The underlying core data structures should be the same (graphs, studies). OTOL already has means to accession studies and graphs (= GSDs or individual databases and their classifications/checklists). OTOL has tools like the OTU mapper (potentially extractable - https://github.com/SpeciesFileGroup/otu_mapping_widget), which is a basic component to a Editorial (combining GSDs) interfaces, i.e. mapping known to unknown. Substitute branch lengths for NOMEN relationships (or something similar, I'm just using it as an example), and you have most of the expressiveness you need for the nomencator (facts, not opinions). OTOL's collections are the obvious basis/proxy for opinions (taxon concepts).