CatalogueOfLife / general

The Catalogue of Life
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Use instead of the domain? #65

Closed mdoering closed 4 years ago

mdoering commented 4 years ago

Should we continue to use the domain as the primary domain? We will surely continue to use it to forward existing users, but should there be a shorter domain that we use primarily?

In the CoL project we have adopted, but as it's a project name we don't want to continue with that. unfortunately is already taken. has already be reserved by GBIF so we could use that and I would propose to do so. Any other domain ideas which are still free?

mdoering commented 4 years ago

see also #17 for older project discussion about domain names

mdoering commented 4 years ago

This is also relevant for all java code packages if we want to serve them officially via Maven. We would need to own the domain and currently we use for that...

mdoering commented 4 years ago

And last not least under which domain should we run the Clearinghouse and API in the future?

mdoering commented 4 years ago

While the new portal is being developed we will keep the old AC interface running under the old domain This allows us to run the new and the old portal in parallel for some time.

When we will shutdown the old portal we should instead setup redirects to the new portal and domain.

mdoering commented 4 years ago

Is clh a good subdomain for the Clearinghouse frontend CoL+ is developing? Alternatively to a subdomain of we could also use an entirely different domain like

dhobern commented 4 years ago

I think is perfect, positioning us as the catalogue for life itself.

mdoering commented 4 years ago

Suggestions for the Clearinghouse subdomain:

yroskov commented 4 years ago

Don't see any reasons to change domain name. - easier to remember then shorter? better address a subject area? what? is cited in thousands of publications and website. Thousands of users know it a home for the Catalogue of Life.

yroskov commented 4 years ago

Decision to change domain name for well known product should not be "in-house" decision by shadow cabinet. It must be consulted with data providers and users.

mdoering commented 4 years ago

It should definitely be discussed with the governing board and global team

olafbanki commented 4 years ago

The Executive Secretary of Species 2000 agrees with the proposed changes to and all the suggested associated urls (e.g. etc.). The other domain name will remain. we should only use for project information if we believe it is useful; this can even be used for a second phase of the project. I am preparing an update for the global team and will include this suggested change into that communication.

mdoering commented 4 years ago

This has been challenged at the last Global Team meeting in Canberra. It was agreed instead to stick with the current domain for all applications, so it will be:

mdoering commented 4 years ago is available