CatalogueOfLife / testing

Editorial tests and discussion to prepare for COL releases
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UCD (id 124661): tests #205

Closed yroskov closed 4 months ago

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Family Aphelinidae exported from TW in CoLDP and uploaded on DEV 2022-08-03: - does not work at the moment, alternative copy on prod:

Family Aphelinidae of approx. 1,100 spp & 43 (est!) accepted genera

yroskov commented 2 years ago

Tests of data ver. 2022-08-03

yroskov commented 2 years ago

data of 2022-08-03


yroskov commented 11 months ago

Universal Chalcidoidea Database (UCD) - Hymenoptera, ver 0.34.5 / 2023-10-16; imported 2023-10-16



Superfamily Chalcidoidea Latreille, 1817 = 27706 spp, (5 subgen), 2274 gen, (1 subtribe), 40 tribes , 81 subfam, 28 fam Superfamily Mymarommatoidea Debauche, 1948 = 36 spp, 6 gen, 2 fam Superfamily Serphitoidea Brues, 1937 = 15 spp, 5 gen, 2 fam

yroskov commented 11 months ago


Superfamily Chalcidoidea Latreille, 1817 = 27706 spp (vs 19835 spp in UCD of Sep 2007), (5 subgen), 2274 gen, (1 subtribe), 40 tribes , 81 subfam, 28 fam

Superfamily Serphitoidea Brues, 1937 = 15 spp (vs 11 spp in UCD of Sep 2007), 5 gen, 2 fam

Superfamily Mymarommatoidea Debauche, 1948 = 36 spp, 6 gen, 2 fam The superfamily name is not present in UCD of Sep 2007. The family Mymarommatidae was the only child in superfamily Serphitoidea:


yroskov commented 11 months ago

Classification (continue), superfamily Chalcidoidea



yroskov commented 11 months ago

Classification (continue), superfamily Chalcidoidea

Few empty genera. Examples: one Ablerus Howard, 1894 is empty, another Ablerus Howard, 1894 has children; one Systasis Walker, 1834 is empty, another Systasis Walker, 1834 has children; Pegoscapus Cameron, 1906; Ceratosolen Mayr, 1885 (see "duplicated genera" below)


yroskov commented 11 months ago


yroskov commented 11 months ago image image

yroskov commented 11 months ago



yroskov commented 11 months ago
yroskov commented 11 months ago
yroskov commented 11 months ago


yroskov commented 11 months ago
yroskov commented 11 months ago

yroskov commented 11 months ago
yroskov commented 11 months ago
yroskov commented 11 months ago
yroskov commented 11 months ago



yroskov commented 11 months ago

@gdower, we need to investigate these reports on duplicates:

...and also:

yroskov commented 4 months ago


UCD Draft ver. 0.40.3 / 2024-04-18; imported 2024-04-19



ISSUES assessed 2024-04-30





Resolved 2024-04-30:


Synced & re-synced 2024-04-30

yroskov commented 4 months ago

Question to Jim Woolley: is this expected?

yroskov commented 4 months ago


UCD Draft ver. 0.41.0 / 2024-05-06; imported 2024-05-06



TASKS = seems no new decisions needed


Synced 2024-05-06

yroskov commented 4 months ago

2nd proof of 2024-05-07:

John: this is the family checklist, including insertae sedis taxa, from UCD (

Agaonidae Aphelinidae Asaphesinae Aspidopleura Austrosystasinae Azotidae Boucekiidae Calesidae Callimomoinae Ceidae Cerocephalidae Chalcedectidae Chalcididae Chrysolampidae Cleonymidae Coelocybidae Cynipencyrtidae Diparidae Ditropinotellinae Diversinitidae Elachertoidea Encyrtidae Enoggerinae Eopelma Epichrysomallidae Eubeckerella Eucharitidae Eulophidae Eunotidae Eupelmidae Eurytomidae Eutrichosomatidae Glyphotoma Herbertiidae Hetreulophidae Heydenidae Heydeniidae Idioporidae Jambiya Keryinae Leptoomidae Leucospidae Lithobelyta Lyciscidae Macromesidae Megastigmidae Melanosomellidae Metapelmatidae Micradelinae Moranilidae Mymaridae Neanastatidae Neapterolelapinae Neodiparidae Ooderidae Ormyridae Parasaphodinae Pelecinellidae Perilampidae Pirenidae Promerisus Protoitidae Pteromalidae Pyramidophoriella Rivasia Rotoitidae Selimnus Sennia Signiphoridae Spalangiidae Storeyinae Sympotomus Systasidae Tanaostigmatidae Tetracampidae Torymidae Trichogrammatidae Tripteromalus

John on 2nd proof:

Sorry but there are still many errors in how the ‘unassigned’ subfamilies and tribes are being pulled (and many of the incertae sedis taxa I pointed out before. John

Some of these are not pulling correctly - the following are all valid families: Azotidae Ceidae Cerocephalidae Chalcedectidae Chrysolampidae (Chrysolampinae, Philomidinae) Coelocybidae Diparidae Eurytomidae (Eurytominae, Heimbrinae, Rileyinae) Herbertiidae Macromesidae Metapelmatidae Micradelidae Neanastatidae Neodiparidae Not assigned subfamilies

the following are all valid families: Hetreulophidae Heydeniidae (why listed twice?) Idioporidae Lycisidae Mellanosomellidae Moranilidae Ooderidae Not assigned tribes

YR: Azotidae, Ceidae, Cerocephalidae, etc. are flagged as “bare names” in CLB, and are not included in CoL. Why, if they supposed to be valid families? These families rejected by the CLB produce “not assigned” subfamilies & tribes.

@gdower, where the problems may occur, in TW data (related to OTU or not?), the exporter, or in CLB?

Matt: check if these protonyms have verbatim name populated.

yroskov commented 4 months ago


UCD Draft ver. 0.41.0 / 2024-05-08; imported 2024-05-08 (OTUs applied by Geoff to resolve "bare names" and not-assigned subfamilies & tribes. This step added some "empty" genera which repeated with "full" genera = perhaps, resolved through TASK reports in CoL view. Examples of duplicated genera: Ceratosolen, Tetrapus, Aphelinus, Aphytis, Centrodora, Marietta, etc.)

@gdower, it looks like 10 (vs 22 in proof 2) subfamilies remain outside families (& one empty tribe Louriciini): image





Resolved 2024-05-08:


Synced 2024-05-08

yroskov commented 4 months ago

Missing families in UCD@CoL = FIXED in 3rd proof

UCD master (web) - Chalcidoidea - 2nd proof 2024-05-07 3rd proof 2024-05-08
Agaonidae Agaonidae Walker, 1846 Agaonidae Walker, 1846
Aphelinidae Aphelinidae Thomson, 1876 Aphelinidae Thomson, 1876
Azotidae   Azotidae Nikol'skaya & Yasnosh, 1966
Boucekiidae Boucekiidae Gibson, 2003 Boucekiidae Gibson, 2003
Calesidae Calesidae Mercet, 1929 Calesidae Mercet, 1929
Ceidae   Ceidae Bouček, 1961
Cerocephalidae   Cerocephalidae Gahan, 1946
Chalcedectidae   Chalcedectidae Ashmead, 1904
Chalcididae Chalcididae Latreille, 1817 Chalcididae Latreille, 1817
Chrysolampidae   Chrysolampidae Dalla Torre, 1898
Cleonymidae Cleonymidae Walker, 1837 Cleonymidae Walker, 1837
Coelocybidae   Coelocybidae Bouček, 1988
Cynipencyrtidae   Cynipencyrtidae Trjapitzin, 1973
Diparidae   Diparidae Thomson, 1876
Diversinitidae †Diversinitidae Haas, Burks & Krogmann, 2018 †Diversinitidae Haas, Burks & Krogmann, 2018
Encyrtidae Encyrtidae Walker, 1837 Encyrtidae Walker, 1837
Epichrysomallidae Epichrysomallidae Hill & Riek, 1967 Epichrysomallidae Hill & Riek, 1967
Eucharitidae Eucharitidae Walker, 1846 Eucharitidae Walker, 1846
Eulophidae Eulophidae Westwood, 1829 Eulophidae Westwood, 1829
Eunotidae Eunotidae Ashmead, 1904 Eunotidae Ashmead, 1904
Eupelmidae Eupelmidae Walker, 1833 Eupelmidae Walker, 1833
Eurytomidae   Eurytomidae Walker, 1832
Eutrichosomatidae Eutrichosomatidae Peck, 1951 Eutrichosomatidae Peck, 1951
Herbertiidae   Herbertiidae Bouček, 1988
Hetreulophidae   Hetreulophidae Girault, 1915
Heydeniidae   Heydeniidae Hedqvist, 1961 & Heydenidae Hedqvist, 1961
Idioporidae   Idioporidae LaSalle, Polaszek & Noyes, 1997
Leptoomidae †Leptoomidae Gibson, 2023 †Leptoomidae Gibson, 2023
Leucospidae Leucospidae Walker, 1834 Leucospidae Walker, 1834
Lyciscidae   Lyciscidae Bouček, 1958
Macromesidae   Macromesidae Graham, 1959
Megastigmidae Megastigmidae Thomson, 1876 Megastigmidae Thomson, 1876
Melanosomellidae   Melanosomellidae Girault, 1913
Metapelmatidae   Metapelmatidae Bouček, 1988
Moranilidae   Moranilidae Bouček, 1988
Mymaridae Mymaridae Haliday, 1833 Mymaridae Haliday, 1833
Neanastatidae   Neanastatidae Kalina, 1984
Neodiparidae   Neodiparidae Bouček, 1961
Ooderidae   Ooderidae Bouček, 1958
Ormyridae Ormyridae Förster, 1856 Ormyridae Förster, 1856
Pelecinellidae Pelecinellidae Ashmead, 1899 Pelecinellidae Ashmead, 1899
Perilampidae Perilampidae Förster, 1856 Perilampidae Förster, 1856
Pirenidae Pirenidae Haliday, 1844 Pirenidae Haliday, 1844
Protoitidae Protoitidae Ulmer & Krogmann, 2023 Protoitidae Ulmer & Krogmann, 2023
Pteromalidae Pteromalidae Dalman, 1820 Pteromalidae Dalman, 1820
Rotoitidae Rotoitidae Bouček & Noyes, 1987 Rotoitidae Bouček & Noyes, 1987
Signiphoridae Signiphoridae Howard, 1894 Signiphoridae Howard, 1894
Spalangiidae Spalangiidae Haliday, 1833 Spalangiidae Haliday, 1833
Systasidae   Systasidae Bouček, 1988
Tanaostigmatidae Tanaostigmatidae Ashmead, 1904 Tanaostigmatidae Ashmead, 1904
Tetracampidae Tetracampidae Förster, 1856 Tetracampidae Förster, 1856
Torymidae Torymidae Walker, 1833 Torymidae Walker, 1833
Trichogrammatidae Trichogrammatidae Haliday, 1851 Trichogrammatidae Haliday, 1851
  22 families missing 0 families missing
yroskov commented 4 months ago

Checks of 3rd proof (2024-05-08) with applied OTUs

Asaphesinae Burks & Heraty, 2020 Austrosystasinae Bouček, 1988 Callimomoinae Girault, 1926 Ditropinotellinae Bouček, 1988 Enoggerinae Burks, 2022 Keryinae Bouček, 1988 Micradelinae Wall, 1972 Neapterolelapinae Rasplus, Burks & Mitroiu, 2022 Parasaphodinae Bouček, 1988 Storeyinae Bouček, 1988

yroskov commented 4 months ago


yroskov commented 4 months ago

Empty branch Heydenidae: = BLOCKED in Assembly 2024-05-09 image

yroskov commented 4 months ago


Looks fantastic!!! Thanks for working with us. As for a logo… I will work on this with Jim next week :-) I am okay for a go. All the best, John

I think it is ready to go. Cheers, Jim

yroskov commented 3 months ago