CatalogueOfLife / testing

Editorial tests and discussion to prepare for COL releases
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World Ferns of 2020-09-25: test report 2020-09-28 #22

Open yroskov opened 3 years ago

yroskov commented 3 years ago

Feature: improved crawler with new IDs. Tribes & subtribes (lot of unnamed OTUs) are excluded.

yroskov commented 3 years ago


Blacklisted Epithet = Doubtful Name, 2 - resolved image

Subspecies Assigned, 4; 3 resolved incorrect parsing for the author Van den heede


yroskov commented 3 years ago

Unparsable Authorship 15; 2 genus names fixed (incorrect authorstring removed) image

Not Interpreted, 64; 5 fixed Names were fixed: × xChrinephrium × xDryostichum × xLindsaeosoria × xSellimeris × xChrismatopteris

Remaining issues might be interesting for Crawler @gdower :

yroskov commented 3 years ago

Milti Word Epithet, 988 - all are names with hybrid symbol. No actions. Abacopteris × insularis

yroskov commented 3 years ago

TASKS After rematch of decisions:


yroskov commented 3 years ago

Manuscript Names, 3 fixed as prov acc Only 3 subfamilies reported. No one binomial combination - very strange.


There are many provisional binomial combinations in the source file with "comb. ined." comment. How to identify these names and mark them as Provisionally Accepted, if Cleringhouse removed "comb. ined." from authorstring and failed to report them as manuscript names? @mdoering @gdower

yroskov commented 3 years ago

Resolved Tasks:


yroskov commented 3 years ago

Split genera in previous version: Check in project 3 after sync:


yroskov commented 3 years ago

Rematch all sectors in World Ferns:


mdoering commented 3 years ago

5xx errors are backend bugs. 4xx bad requests, often a UI issue

yroskov commented 3 years ago

10 of 14 sectors/orders have been rematched successfully one by one.

4 sectors/orders were re-assembled.

All 14 sectors synced.

yroskov commented 3 years ago

3 split genera in question. How they appear in the source spreadsheet of 2020-09-25:

Cheilanthes split in 4 parts:

30.5004 | Cheilanthes p. p. (skinneri clade)   | Cheilanthes lozanoi (Maxon) R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon   | Cheilanthes lozanoi (Maxon) R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon var. seemannii (Hook.) Mickel & Beitel   | Cheilanthes skinneri (Hook.) R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon   | Cheilanthes subcordata (D. C. Eaton ex Davenp.) Mickel   | Cheilanthes x gryphus Mickel

30.5011 | Cheilanthes p. p.   | Cheilanthes bolborrhiza Mickel & Beitel

30.5017 | Cheilanthes Sw.   | Cheilanthes arequipensis (Maxon) R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon   | Cheilanthes buchtienii (Rosenst.) R. M. Tryon   | Cheilanthes fractifera R. M. Tryon   | Cheilanthes glutinosa M. Kessler & A. R. Sm.   | Cheilanthes incarum Maxon   | Cheilanthes incisa Kunze ex Mett.   | Cheilanthes juergensii Rosenst.   | Cheilanthes laciniata Sodiro   | Cheilanthes leonardii Maxon   | Cheilanthes leucopoda Link   | Cheilanthes lonchophylla (R. M. Tryon) R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon   | Cheilanthes macleanii (J. Sm.) Hook.   | Cheilanthes mathewsii Kunze   | Cheilanthes micropteris Sw.   | Cheilanthes obducta Mett. ex Kuhn   | Cheilanthes pantanalensis E. L. M. Assis, Ponce & Labiak   | Cheilanthes peruviana (Desv.) Moore   | Cheilanthes poeppigiana Mett. ex Kuhn   | Cheilanthes rufopunctata Rosenst.   | Cheilanthes sarmientoi Ponce   | Cheilanthes scariosa (Sw.) C. Presl   | Cheilanthes squamosa Gill. ex Hook. & Grev.   | Cheilanthes volcanensis de la Sota

30.5018 | Cheilanthes sensu lato   | Cheilanthes adiantoides T. C. Chambers & P. A. Farrant   | Cheilanthes angustifrondosa Alston   | Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia H. M. Quirk & T. C. Chambers   | Cheilanthes bergiana Schltdl.   | Cheilanthes boivinii Mett. ex Kuhn   | Cheilanthes bonapartei J. P. Roux   | Cheilanthes botswanae Schelpe & N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes brownii (Desv.) Domin   | Cheilanthes buchananii (Baker) Domin   | Cheilanthes capensis (Thunb.) Sw.   | Cheilanthes caudata R. Br.   | Cheilanthes ceterachoides A. W. Klopper & Klopper   | Cheilanthes contigua Baker   | Cheilanthes contracta Kunze   | Cheilanthes deboeri Verdc.   | Cheilanthes deltoidea ssp. deltoidea Kunze   | Cheilanthes deltoidea ssp. silicicola Klopper & A. E. van Wyk   | Cheilanthes depauperata Baker   | Cheilanthes dinteri Brause   | Cheilanthes distans (R. Br.) Mett.   | Cheilanthes dolomiticola (Schelpe) Schelpe & N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes eckloniana (Kunze) Mett.   | Cheilanthes erythraea Pic. Serm.   | Cheilanthes fragillima F. Muell.   | Cheilanthes hastata (L. fil.) Kunze   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw.   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. var. brevipilosa W. Jacobsen & N. Jacobsen   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. f. laxa (Kunze) W. Jacobsen & N. Jacobsen   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. f. waterbergensis W. Jacobsen & N. Jacobsen   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. var. hyaloglandulosa (W. Jacobsen & N. Jacobsen) J. E. Burrows   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. var. inferacampestris W. Jacobsen & N. Jacobsen   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. var. nemorosa W. Jacobsen & N. Jacobsen   | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. var. watermeyeri Verdc.   | Cheilanthes inaequalis (Kunze) Mett.   | Cheilanthes induta Kunze   | Cheilanthes involuta (Sw.) Schelpe & N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes involuta (Sw.) Schelpe & N. C. Anthony var. obscura (N. C. Anthony) N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes kunzei Mett.   | Cheilanthes lasiophylla Pic. Serm.   | Cheilanthes leachii (Schelpe) Schelpe   | Cheilanthes madagascariensis Baker   | Cheilanthes marlothii (Hieron.) Schelpe   | Cheilanthes multifida ssp. multifida (Sw.) Sw.   | Cheilanthes multifida ssp. lacerata N. C. Anthony & Schelpe   | Cheilanthes namaquensis (Baker) Schelpe & N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes nielsii W. Jacobsen   | Cheilanthes nitida (R. Br.) P. S. Green   | Cheilanthes nudiuscula (R. Br.) Moore   | Cheilanthes parviloba (Sw.) Sw.   | Cheilanthes pentagona Schelpe & N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes perlanata (Pic. Serm.) Kornas   | Cheilanthes perlanata (Pic. Serm.) Kornas var. kwatebalaensis Malaisse   | Cheilanthes perrieri J. P. Roux   | Cheilanthes praetermissa D. L. Jones   | Cheilanthes prenticei Luerss.   | Cheilanthes pumilio (R. Br.) F. Muell.   | Cheilanthes quadripinnata (Forssk.) Kuhn   | Cheilanthes robusta (Kunze) R. M. Tryon   | Cheilanthes sieberi ssp. sieberi Kunze   | Cheilanthes sieberi ssp. pseudovellea H. M. Quirk & T. C. Chambers   | Cheilanthes similis Ballard   | Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm. fil.) Sw.   | Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw.   | Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N. C. Anthony   | Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. macrophylla (Kunze) Schelpe & N. C. Anthony

Doryopteris split in 3 parts

30.5021 | Doryopteris p. p.   | Doryopteris cordifolia (Baker) Diels   | Doryopteris humbertii Tardieu   | Doryopteris kitchingii (Baker) Bonap.   | Doryopteris latiloba C. Chr.   | Doryopteris madagascariensis Tardieu   | Doryopteris pedatoides (Desv.) Kuhn   | Doryopteris pilosa (Poir.) Kuhn   | Doryopteris pilosa (Poir.) Kuhn var. gemmifera J. E. Burrows & S. E. Strauss

30.5026 | Doryopteris s. lat.   | Doryopteris angustata Sehnem   | Doryopteris apparicioi Brade   | Doryopteris campos-portoi Brade   | Doryopteris conformis K. U. Kramer & R. M. Tryon   | Doryopteris crispatula (Baker) C. Chr.   | Doryopteris cyclophylla A. R. Sm.   | Doryopteris davidsei A. R. Sm.   | Doryopteris jequitinhonhensis Salino   | Doryopteris trilobata J. Prado

30.5027 | Doryopteris J. Sm.   | Doryopteris adornata Yesilyurt   | Doryopteris angelica K. Wood & W. H. Wagner   | Doryopteris collina (Raddi) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris concolor (Langsd. & Fisch.) Kuhn   | Doryopteris decipiens (Hook.) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris decora Brack.   | Doryopteris kirkii (Hook.) Alston   | Doryopteris leitei R. M. Tryon   | Doryopteris lonchophora (Mett.) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris lorentzii (Hieron.) Diels   | Doryopteris majestosa Yesilyurt   | Doryopteris nobilis (Moore) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris palmata (Willd.) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris patula (Fée) Fée   | Doryopteris pedata (L.) Fée   | Doryopteris pentagona Pic. Serm.   | Doryopteris raddiana (Raddi) Fée   | Doryopteris rediviva Fée   | Doryopteris sagittifolia (Raddi) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris stierii Rosenst.   | Doryopteris surinamensis Yesilyurt   | Doryopteris takeuchii (W. H. Wagner) W. H. Wagner   | Doryopteris triphylla (Lam.) Christ   | Doryopteris varians (Raddi) J. Sm.   | Doryopteris x excisa Sehnem   | Doryopteris x hybrida Brade & Rosenst.   | Doryopteris x intermedia Sehnem   | Doryopteris x procera Sehnem   | Doryopteris x scalaris Sehnem   | Doryopteris x subdecipiens W. H. Wagner

Grammitis split in 3 parts

51.6005 | Grammitis Sw.   | Grammitis anisophylla Rakotondr. & Parris   | Grammitis azorica (H. Schaef.) H. Schaef.   | Grammitis basalis (Maxon) Lellinger   | Grammitis bryophila (Maxon) F. Seym.   | Grammitis bufonis L. D. Gómez   | Grammitis carnosula (Christ) F. Seymour   | Grammitis cincta Copel. ex Parris   | Grammitis copelandii Tardieu   | Grammitis coriaceifolia Rakotondr. & Parris   | Grammitis cryptophlebia (Baker) Copel.   | Grammitis dauphinensis Rakotondr. & Parris   | Grammitis ebenina (Maxon) Tardieu   | Grammitis kairatuensis M. Kato & Parris   | Grammitis kyimbilensis (Brause ex Brause & Hieron.) Copel.   | Grammitis leptopoda (C. H. Wright) Copel.   | Grammitis limbata Fée   | Grammitis marginella (Sw.) Sw.   | Grammitis marginelloides (J. W. Moore) Copel.   | Grammitis melanoloma (Cordem.) Tardieu   | Grammitis membranifolia Rakotondr. & Parris   | Grammitis microglossa (C. Chr.) Ching   | Grammitis nigrocincta Alston   | Grammitis paramicola L. E. Bishop   | Grammitis peritimundi L. E. Bishop & A. R. Sm.   | Grammitis setosora M. Kessler & A. R. Sm.   | Grammitis solomonensis Parris   | Grammitis stenophylla Parris   | Grammitis stipitata Proctor   | Grammitis tegetiformis L. E. Bishop   | Grammitis vaupelii (Brause) Copel.

51.602 | Grammitis sensu lato, part 1   | Grammitis holophlebia (Baker) Copel.   | Grammitis obtusa Willd. ex Kaulf.   | Grammitis pellucidovenosa (Bonap.) Ching   | Grammitis pervillei (Mett. ex Kuhn) Tardieu   | Grammitis pygmaea (Mett. ex Kuhn) Copel.   | Grammitis synsora (Baker) Copel.

51.6023 | Grammitis sensu lato, part 2   | Grammitis deplanchei (Baker) Copel.   | Grammitis diminuta (Baker) Copel.   | Grammitis nudicarpa Copel.   | Grammitis pseudaustralis E. Fourn.   | Grammitis wattsii Copel.

Vittaria split in 2 parts

30.4012 | Vittaria J. E. Sm.   | Vittaria appalachiana Farrar & Mickel   | Vittaria flavicosta Mickel & Beitel   | Vittaria graminifolia Kaulf.   | Vittaria isoetifolia Bory   | Vittaria lineata (L.) J. E. Sm.   | Vittaria longipes Sodiro   | Vittaria scabrida Klotzsch

30.4013 | Vittaria auct.   | Vittaria bonincola H. Itô   | Vittaria crispomarginata Christ   | Vittaria dichotoma K. Iwats. & M. Kato   | Vittaria exigua Hieron.   | Vittaria latissima Hieron.   | Vittaria lloydiifolia Racib.   | Vittaria nervosa Christ   | Vittaria nymanii Hieron.   | Vittaria pachystemma Christ   | Vittaria parvula Bory   | Vittaria pluridichotoma Bonap.   | Vittaria scabricoma Copel.   | Vittaria semipellucida Hieron.   | Vittaria squamosipes Alderw.   | Vittaria subcoriacea Christ

yroskov commented 3 years ago

2020-10-01 after crawling & re-import: In focus: "comb. ined." & "ined." fixed in binomials



yroskov commented 3 years ago

2020-10-02: children sectors in class Lycopodiopsida synced. 2020-10-02: children sectors in class Polypodiopsida re-assembled and synced.

mdoering commented 3 years ago

Feature: Tribes & subtribes (lot of unnamed OTUs) are excluded.

Is this really a feature? It alters the data, these clades exist for a reason. Would it not be better to filter them out in the assembly? Having Tribus Amauropeltoid clade in the original dataset sounds useful to me.

In order to avoid lengthy configs for each sector we should allow to configure dataset wide defaults that applies to all sectors from a single GSD

yroskov commented 3 years ago

When clades, OTUs, whatever else will be resolved and established as taxa of proper ranks, they are welcome in the CoL. Otherwise, all kind of OTUs should stay on taxonomist's "lab desk".

mdoering commented 3 years ago

Agree, but when publishing to ChecklistBank this is not COL s.str. Data in there should as much as possible represent the original source. Only when we assemble COL from the sources we should filter out unwanted taxa like clades. My point is we remove data in the wrong step too early.

yroskov commented 3 years ago

we remove data in the wrong step too early. Absolutely not. Moreover, full set of data in its original view is available on the Hassler's website.