CatalogueOfLife / testing

Editorial tests and discussion to prepare for COL releases
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All 65 WoRMS checklists in 2024 #254

Open yroskov opened 7 months ago

yroskov commented 7 months ago

2024-03-04: Geoff reported 3 broken WoRMS sectors. Missing subject




yroskov commented 5 months ago

2024-04-18: Geoff reported 2 broken sectors in WoRMS Octocorallia. Missing subject.

yroskov commented 4 months ago
yroskov commented 4 months ago

19 checklists re-synced:

Imports of 2024-05-02 GSD id Broken decisions (May, June) TASKS Re-synced Re-synced
WoRMS Actiniaria 1176
WoRMS Amphipoda 1202 2024-06-04
WoRMS Antipatharia 1194
WoRMS Appendicularia 1178
WoRMS Ascidiacea 1186
WoRMS Asteroidea 1095 4 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Bochusacea 1086
WoRMS Brachiopoda 2299 2024-06-04
WoRMS Brachypoda 1087 0 no re-sync
WoRMS Brachyura !! 1108 33 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Bryozoa 1081 2024-06-05
WoRMS Cephalochordata 1154
WoRMS Ceriantharia 1179
WoRMS Cestoda 1127 10 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Chaetognatha 1132
WoRMS Copepoda 1191 17 2024-05-07 2024-06-04
WoRMS Corallimorpharia 1195
WoRMS Crinoidea 2300 2024-06-05
WoRMS Ctenophora 1180
WoRMS Cubozoa 1181
WoRMS Cumacea 1058
WoRMS Echinoidea 1106
WoRMS Euphausiacea 2301
WoRMS Foraminifera 1157 248 2024-05-07 2024-06-03, 2024-06-05
WoRMS Gastrotricha 1122
WoRMS Gnathostomulida 1125
WoRMS Holothuroidea 1107 6 2024-06-04
WoRMS Hydrozoa 1112
WoRMS Isopoda 1094 17 2024-05-07 2024-06-04
WoRMS Kinorhyncha 1153
WoRMS Leptostraca 1105
WoRMS Loricifera 1182
WoRMS Merostomata 1152
WoRMS Mollusca 1130 2655 2024-05-07 2024-06-03
WoRMS Monogenea 1126 2024-06-05
WoRMS Myriapoda (MilliBase)* 1200 47 2024-05-07 2024-06-04
WoRMS Mystacocarida 1088
WoRMS Myxozoa 1129 4 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Nematoda 2302 82 2024-05-07 2024-06-03
WoRMS Nemertea 1085 2024-06-05
WoRMS Octocorallia 1131 26 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Oligochaeta 1099 8 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Ophiuroidea 1059 2 2024-06-03
WoRMS Orthonectida 1149
WoRMS Ostracoda 1175 52 2024-05-07 2024-06-04, 2024-06-05
WoRMS Placozoa 1123
WoRMS Polychaeta 1090 14 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Polycystina 1109
WoRMS Porifera 1044 28 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Priapulida 1124
WoRMS Pycnogonida, PycnoBase 1183 21
WoRMS Remipedia 1091
WoRMS Rhombozoa 1150
WoRMS Scleractinia 1196 38 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Scyphozoa 1188
WoRMS Staurozoa 1184
WoRMS Strepsiptera 1103 2024-06-05
WoRMS Tanaidacea 1110
WoRMS Tantulocarida 1092
WoRMS Thaliacea 1185
WoRMS Thermosbaenacea 1093
WoRMS Trematoda 1128 20 2024-05-07 2024-06-05
WoRMS Turbellarians 1193 7 2024-05-07 2024-06-04
WoRMS Xenoturbellida 1100
WoRMS Zoantharia 1197
yroskov commented 4 months ago

Dear @bart-v, we are approaching 2024 Annual Checklist which will be released in June. This week I completed my manual TASKS* checks for 19 most active checklists (of the 65 supplied by Aphia into CoL). The proof with WoRMS data of 2024-05-01 is now available at

*) I do such checks & resolving issues only once per year for most "vibrant" WoRMS checklists. In other months we relay on feedback from users, if something wrong in data.

I don't know exactly how WoRMS editors interact with CoL. It would be nice if WoRMS community (or representative (you might be the most knowledgeable person)) would look through the proof (with focus on metadata particularly) and let us know, if anything serious that needs to be fixed before the Annual Checklist.

bart-v commented 4 months ago

Hi Yuri,

WoRMS editors don't really interact with COL, except for problems. The metadata is fully automated, so I would assume that all is OK


yroskov commented 4 months ago

Good. Thanks!

yroskov commented 4 months ago
yroskov commented 4 months ago

@bart-v, we did find 2 checklists with missing creators/editors WoRMS Nemys & MolluscaBase because values Nemys eds. & MolluscaBase eds. are placed in the field-group Contributors

I fixed this manually in the checklistbank, but my changes will be overwritten with new WoRMS export in June.

Would it be possible to relocate Nemys eds. & MolluscaBase eds. into field "Family name" in "Editors" for a next export?

bart-v commented 4 months ago

OK, will be fixed in next version