CatalogueOfLife / testing

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Pinopsida from WFO (id 2004): test report #259

Open yroskov opened 3 months ago

yroskov commented 3 months ago

Pinopsida from WFO Plant List 2023-12


Overlaps with WCVP:

subclass Gnetidae - order Ephedrales class Gnetopsida - order Ephedrales
subclass Gnetidae - order Gnetales class Gnetopsida - order Gnetales
subclass Gnetidae - order Welwitschiales class Gnetopsida - order Welwitschiales

Actions: (1) delete WCVP sectors Ephedraceae, Gnetaceae & Welwitschiaceae; (2) delete subtree class Gnetopsida = DONE 2024-04-04

yroskov commented 3 months ago

Full WFO metadata in CLB as 2024-04-02

Alias: WFO Plant List 2023-12 Full name: World Flora Online Plant List Version / Issued: 2023-12 / 2023-12-22 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7460141 Description: The consensus taxonomy of plants used as a backbone for the World Flora Online portal in support of Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. New versions of this checklist are released every six months in June and December. This is release 2023-12. The initial data ingestion into the World Flora Online taxonomic backbone was from The Plant List Version 1.1 (TPL,, September 2013), with the full list of contributing datasets given here: New taxonomic names have been incorporated into WFO from nomenclators International Plant Name Index (IPNI, for vascular plants, and Tropicos ( for bryophytes. Taxonomic and nomenclatural updates have been incorporated from the WFO's Taxonomic Expert Networks (TENs) ( and the World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP,, facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Contact: Elliott, Alan Publisher: World Flora Online Creator: World Flora Online Editor: Anderson, Gregory Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Andrella, Giovani carlos Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Anguiano, Marco Curator of Lycianthes in the Rhakhis editor. Ardi, Wisnu handoyo Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Atkins, Hannah Curator of Gesneriaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Atwood, John j. Curator of Andreaeales, Andreaeobryales, Anthocerotales, Archidiales, Bartramiales, Blasiales, Bryales, Bryoxiphiales, Buxbaumiales, Calobryales, Catoscopiaceae, Dicranales, Diphysciales, Disceliales, Distichiaceae, Encalyptales, Flexitrichaceae, Fossombroniales, Funariales, Gigaspermales, Grimmiales, Hedwigiales, Hookeriales, Hypnales, Hypnodendrales, Hypopterygiales, Jungermanniales, Leiosporocerotales, Lunulariales, Metzgeriales, Neohodgsoniales, Notothyladales, Oedipodiales, Orthotrichales, Pallaviciniales, Pelliales, Phymatocerotales, Pleuroziales, Polytrichales, Porellales, Pottiales, Pseudoditrichales, Ptilidiales, Ptychomniales, Rhizogoniales, Scouleriales, Sphaerocarpales, Sphagnales, Splachnales, Tetraphidales, Timmiales, Timmiellaceae and Treubiales in the Rhakhis editor. Aubriot, Xavier Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Baker, William Curator of Arecaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Balan, Anoop puthuparampil Curator of Detarioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Bartolucci, Fabrizio Curator of Papavereae in the Rhakhis editor. Berendsohn, Walter g. Curator of Achatocarpaceae, Agdestidaceae, Aizoaceae, Anacampserotaceae, Ancistrocladaceae, Asteropeiaceae, Barbeuiaceae, Cactaceae, Corbichoniaceae, Dioncophyllaceae, Drosophyllaceae, Gisekiaceae, Halophytaceae, Kewaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Nepenthaceae, Physenaceae, Simmondsiaceae and Stegnospermataceae in the Rhakhis editor. Bonifacino, Mauricio Curator of Asteraceae in the Rhakhis editor. Borges, Leonardo Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Brinda, John c. Curator of Andreaeales, Andreaeobryales, Anthocerotales, Archidiales, Bartramiales, Blasiales, Bryales, Bryoxiphiales, Buxbaumiales, Calobryales, Catoscopiaceae, Dicranales, Diphysciales, Disceliales, Distichiaceae, Encalyptales, Flexitrichaceae, Fossombroniales, Funariales, Gigaspermales, Grimmiales, Hedwigiales, Hookeriales, Hypnales, Hypnodendrales, Hypopterygiales, Jungermanniales, Leiosporocerotales, Lunulariales, Metzgeriales, Neohodgsoniales, Notothyladales, Oedipodiales, Orthotrichales, Pallaviciniales, Pelliales, Phymatocerotales, Pleuroziales, Polytrichales, Porellales, Pottiales, Pseudoditrichales, Ptilidiales, Ptychomniales, Rhizogoniales, Scouleriales, Sphaerocarpales, Sphagnales, Splachnales, Tetraphidales, Timmiales, Timmiellaceae and Treubiales in the Rhakhis editor. Brown, Gillian Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Bruneau, Anne Curator of Fabaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Cardoso, Domingos Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Carvalho, Catarina silva de Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Chiarini, Franco Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Couvreur, Thomas Curator of Annonaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Crowley, Dan Curator of Hippocastanoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Duan, Lei Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Durán, Juan david tovar Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Egan, Ashley n Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Eggli, Urs Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Elliott, Alan Curator of Ericaceae, Irvingiaceae and Papavereae in the Rhakhis editor. Escallón, Eugenio valderrama Curator of Renealmia in the Rhakhis editor. Estrella, Manuel de la Curator of Detarioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Falcão, Marcus Curator of Dialioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Franck, Alan Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Fritsch, Peter Curator of Cercidoideae and Styracaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Gagnon, Edeline Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Galasso, Gabriele Curator of Papavereae in the Rhakhis editor. Galdo, Gianpietro giusso del Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Giacomin, Leandro Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Girmansyah, Deden Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Gissi, Danilo soares Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Gonzáles, Paúl Curator of Salpichroa in the Rhakhis editor. Gouvêa, Yuri Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Govaerts, Rafaël herman anna Curator of Acanthaceae, Achariaceae, Acoraceae, Aextoxicaceae, Akaniaceae, Alismataceae, Alseuosmiaceae, Alstroemeriaceae, Altingiaceae, Alzateaceae, Amborellaceae, Anisophylleaceae, Aphloiaceae, Aponogetonaceae, Araceae, Araliaceae, Arecaceae, Argophyllaceae, Asteliaceae, Austrobaileyaceae, Balanophoraceae, Berberidopsidaceae, Betulaceae, Bignoniaceae, Bonnetiaceae, Bromeliaceae, Brunelliaceae, Burmanniaceae, Butomaceae, Byblidaceae, Caesalpinioideae, Calceolariaceae, Calyceraceae, Canellaceae, Cannabaceae, Cardiopteridaceae, Caricaceae, Carlemanniaceae, Casuarinaceae, Celastraceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Chloranthus, Chrysobalanaceae, Clethraceae, Columelliaceae, Combretaceae, Connaraceae, Cornaceae, Corsiaceae, Costaceae, Crossosomataceae, Crypteroniaceae, Cyclanthaceae, Cymodoceaceae, Cynomoriaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Dasypogonaceae, Degeneriaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Dipentodontaceae, Doryanthaceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Elatinaceae, Ephedraceae, Eriocaulaceae, Escalloniaceae, Eucommiaceae, Eupomatiaceae, Flagellariaceae, Francoaceae, Garryaceae, Geissolomataceae, Gelsemiaceae, Gentianaceae, Gerrardinaceae, Gnetaceae, Grossulariaceae, Guamatelaceae, Gunneraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Heliconiaceae, Helwingiaceae, Hernandiaceae, Himantandraceae, Humiriaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Hydroleaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Icacinaceae, Iteaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Joinvilleaceae, Juglandaceae, Juncaceae, Juncaginaceae, Lacistemataceae, Lardizabalaceae, Lauraceae, Lentibulariaceae, Lepidobotryaceae, Linderniaceae, Loganiaceae, Magnoliaceae, Marantaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Martyniaceae, Maundiaceae, Mazaceae, Melanthiaceae, Menyanthaceae, Metteniusaceae, Montiniaceae, Myodocarpaceae, Myricaceae, Myristicaceae, Myrtaceae, Nartheciaceae, Nothofagaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Nyssaceae, Olacaceae, Oleaceae, Opiliaceae, Orobanchaceae, Paeoniaceae, Papilionoideae, Paracryphiaceae, Paulowniaceae, Pedaliaceae, Penaeaceae, Pentaphragmataceae, Peraceae, Petenaeaceae, Phellinaceae, Phrymaceae, Phyllonomaceae, Plantaginaceae, Plocospermataceae, Poaceae, Posidoniaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Rapateaceae, Restionaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Rousseaceae, Rubiaceae, Ruppiaceae, Sabiaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Schisandraceae, Schlegeliaceae, Schoepfiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Simaroubaceae, Siparunaceae, Sphenocleaceae, Stachyuraceae, Staphyleaceae, Stemonaceae, Stemonuraceae, Stilbaceae, Strasburgeriaceae, Tapisciaceae, Tetrachondraceae, Theaceae, Thomandersiaceae, Thurniaceae, Tofieldiaceae, Trigoniaceae, Trimeniaceae, Triuridaceae, Trochodendraceae, Tropaeolaceae, Typhaceae, Ulmaceae, Vahliaceae, Verbenaceae, Vitales, Winteraceae, Xeronemataceae, Xyridaceae and Zosteraceae in the Rhakhis editor. Gregório, Bernarda Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Guerrero, Pablo c. Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Haegi, Laurence Curator of Anthocercideae, Datura, Lycium and Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Haevermans, Thomas Curator of Musaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Harris, David j. Curator of Irvingiaceae and Putranjivaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Hilario, Robin fernandez Curator of Saracha in the Rhakhis editor. Hopkins, Helen fortune Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Hua-feng Curator of Dipsacales in the Rhakhis editor. Hughes, Mark Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Iganci, João Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. J.g., Rando, Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Jara-muñoz, Orlando adolfo Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Javadi, Firouzeh Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Jiang, Kai-wen Curator of Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Jiménez-mejías, Pedro Curator of Cyperaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Jordão, Lucas sá barreto Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Keller, Héctor Curator of Apocynaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Klitgaard, Bente Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Klopper, R.r. Curator of Aloe inopinata, Aloeae, Asphodelaceae, Bruniaceae and Erica in the Rhakhis editor. Korotkova, Nadja Curator of Caryophyllales in the Rhakhis editor. Köhler, Matias Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Larridon, Isabel Curator of Cyperaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Lavandero, Nicolás Curator of Nicotiana in the Rhakhis editor. Leong-skornickova, Jana Curator of Lowiaceae and Zingiberaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Lewis, Gwilym Curator of Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Liede-schumann, Sigrid Curator of Apocynaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Lima, Alexandre gibau de Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Martine, Chris Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Maslin, Bruce Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Mering, Sabine von Curator of Achatocarpaceae, Agdestidaceae, Anacampserotaceae, Ancistrocladaceae, Asteropeiaceae, Barbeuiaceae, Corbichoniaceae, Dioncophyllaceae, Drosophyllaceae, Gisekiaceae, Halophytaceae, Kewaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Physenaceae, Simmondsiaceae and Stegnospermataceae in the Rhakhis editor. Metzing, Detlev Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Meve, Ulrich Curator of Apteranthes, Australluma, Ballyanthus, Baynesia, Boucerosia, Brachypelia, Brachystelma, Caralluma, Caudanthera, Ceropegia, Cibirhiza, Conomitra, Duvalia, Duvaliandra, Duvaliaranthus, Echidnopsis, Edithcolea, Emplectanthus, Epistemma, Eucorymbia, Fockea, Frernia, Gonodentea, Hoodia, Hoodiapelia, Hoodiorbea, Hoodiotriche, Huernia, Huernialluma, Huernianthus, Huerniorbea, Huernivalia, Larryleachia, Lavrania, Leptadenia, Luckhoffia, Monolluma, Neoschumannia, Notechidnopsis, Ophionella, Orbea, Orbelia, Orbeotriche, Orthanthera, Piaranthus, Pseudolithos, Quaqua, Raphionacme, Rhytidocaulon, Richtersveldia, Riocreuxia, Schlechterella, Sisyranthus, Socotrella, Staparesia, Stapelianthus, Stapeliopsis, Stapvalia, Stuernia, Tavaresia, Tavarorbea, Tridentapelia, Tridentea, Tromostapelia, Tromotriche and White-sloanea in the Rhakhis editor. Miller, Joseph t. Curator of Fabaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Moeller, Michael Curator of Gesneriaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Moonlight, Peter Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Morales, J francisco Curator of Allamanda, Allomarkgrafia, Ambelania, Anechites, Angadenia, Aspidosperma, Cameraria, Carissa, Cascabela, Catharanthus, Couma, Echites, Forsteronia, Galactophora, Geissospermum, Hancornia, Himatanthus, Lacmellea, Laubertia, Laxoplumeria, Macoubea, Macropharynx, Mandevilla, Mesechites, Microplumeria, Molongum, Neobracea, Neocouma, Nerium, Odontadenia, Pacouria, Parahancornia, Pentalinon, Pinochia, Plumeria, Prestonia, Rauvolfia, Rhabdadenia, Secondatia, Skytanthus, Spongiosperma, Stipecoma, Strempeliopsis, Tabernaemontana, Temnadenia, Thevetia, Tintinnabularia, Vallesia and Vinca in the Rhakhis editor. Moreira-munoz, Andres Curator of Schizanthus in the Rhakhis editor. Murphy, Daniel Curator of Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Mustaqim, Wendy a. Curator of Costera, Gaultheria Diplycosia and Rigiolepis in the Rhakhis editor. Müller, Andreas Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Nelson, Charles Curator of Erica in the Rhakhis editor. Nersesyan, Anush Curator of Dianthus in the Rhakhis editor. Newman, Mark Curator of Zingiberaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Orejuela, Andres Curator of Solandreae in the Rhakhis editor. Pandey, Arun Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Pellegrini, Marco o. o. Curator of Cabombaceae, Commelinales and Mayacaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Pennington, Toby Curator of Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Pinto, Rafael Curator of Detarioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Pirie, Michael d. Curator of Calluna, Daboecia and Erica in the Rhakhis editor. Poulsen, Axel dalberg Curator of Lowiaceae and Zingiberaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Puglisi, Carmen Curator of Ebenaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Quintanar, Alejandro Curator of Putranjivaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Rakotonirina, Nivohenintsoa Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Ramos, Gustavo Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Rapini, Alessandro Curator of Apocynaceae, Marsdenia and Ruehssia in the Rhakhis editor. Rodda, Michele Curator of Apocynaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Rodrigues, Rodrigo schütz Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Roux, Margaretha marianne le Curator of Fabaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Sampaio, Valéria da silva Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Santilli, Ludovica Curator of Nicotiana in the Rhakhis editor. Schlumpberger, Boris Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Schneider, Julio v. Curator of Quiinoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Silva, Rafael costa Curator of Cannaceae, Griseliniaceae and Lycianthes in the Rhakhis editor. Simon, Marcelo Curator of Caesalpinioideae in the Rhakhis editor. Smith, Stacey Curator of Iochroma, Saracha and Vassobia in the Rhakhis editor. Sokoloff, Dmitry Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Sotuyo, Solange Curator of Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Stirton, Charles Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Straub, Shannon Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Strijk, Joeri sergej Curator of Fagaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Sánchez, Daniel Curator of Cactaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Tebbitt, Mark Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Tepe, Eric Curator of Solanum in the Rhakhis editor. Thomas, Daniel caspar Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Thulin, Mats Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Trad, Rafaela Curator of Calophyllaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Vorontsova, Maria (bat) s. Curator of Poaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Wilding, Nicholas Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Wilson, Hannah Curator of Begoniaceae in the Rhakhis editor. Zamora-tavares, Pilar Curator of Alkekengi, Brachistus, Calliphysalis, Capsicophysalis, Chamaesaracha, Leucophysalis, Oryctes, Physaliastrum, Physalis, Schraderanthus, Tzeltalia and Witheringia in the Rhakhis editor. Zhang, Rong Curator of Papilionoideae in the Rhakhis editor. Zizka, Georg Curator of Quiinoideae in the Rhakhis editor.

World Checklist of Vascular Plants. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The Caryophyllales TEN -The Caryophyllales Network The Bryophyte TEN The Annonaceae TEN The Haloragaceae and related Families TEN The Apocynaceae TEN The Aquifoliaceae TEN The Conifer TEN The Arecaceae TEN The Begoniaceae TEN The Boraginaceae TEN The Bruniaceae TEN The Cabombaceae TEN The Calophyllaceae TEN The Dipsacales TEN The Commelinales TEN The Asteraceaae TEN The Cycad TEN The Cyperaceae TEN The Dioscoreaceae TEN The Dipterocarpaceae TEN The Ebenaceae TEN The Ericaceae TEN The Fagaceae TEN The Gesneriaceae TEN The Hypericum TEN The Irvingiaceae TEN The Fabaceae TEN - Legume Taxonomy Working Group The Lowiaceae TEN The Mayacaceae TEN The Melastomataceae TEN The Musaceae TEN The Ochnaceae TEN The Papaveraceae TEN The Picramniaceae TEN The Poaceae TEN The Putranjivaceae TEN The Sapindaceae TEN The Sapotaceae TEN The Endemic Plant Families of Madagascar TEN The Solanaceae TEN The Styracaceae TEN The Zingiberaceae TEN The Asphodelaceae TEN

Taxonomic scope: Plantae, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta, Anthocerotophyta, Geographic scope: global Temporal scope: Consensus taxonomy as of 2023-12-22 Keywords: Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, Plants, Bryophytes, Taxonomic backbone Origin: external Type: taxonomic License: cc0 Checklist Confidence: 5 Completeness: 95 Url (website): Logo Url ISSN: No information Identifiers: No information Citation: World Flora Online, Anderson, G., Andrella, G. c., Anguiano, M., Ardi, W. h., Atkins, H., Atwood, J. j., Aubriot, X., Baker, W., Balan, A. p., Bartolucci, F., Berendsohn, W. g., Bonifacino, M., Borges, L., Brinda, J. c., Brown, G., Bruneau, A., Cardoso, D., Carvalho, C. s. d., et al. (2023). World Flora Online Plant List 2023-12. In O. Bánki, Y. Roskov, M. Döring, G. Ower, D. R. Hernández Robles, C. A. Plata Corredor, T. Stjernegaard Jeppesen, A. Örn, L. Vandepitte, D. Hobern, P. Schalk, R. E. DeWalt, K. Ma, J. Miller, & T. Orrell, Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2023-12). World Flora Online.

Released from Source: No information Notes: No information Last successful import attempt: 97 Created: November 20th 2019, 11:07:46 am Modified: December 22nd 2023, 1:18:03 pm by undefined Contributes to: Catalogue of Life Checklist




Species Count: 377218
