CatalogueOfLife / xcol

Working towards the extended Catalogue of Life Checklist
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potential new xcol source for ants #60

Closed mdoering closed 3 weeks ago

mdoering commented 10 months ago

a potential new xcol source for ants: Formicidae (ants) - AntBase and xBio:D Cyberinfrastructure, The Ohio State University A checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the World

10:48 Uhr they have less than 50% overlap with gbif & col 10:48 Uhr its just not in clb yet because its license is unspecified. Get in touch? 10:48 Uhr oh, contact donat 10:51 Uhr its an odd one, there is no data source configured in gbif, just EML. But there is data, so it once existed. Would be good to get in touch I reckon

camiplata commented 10 months ago

The data of this source is not available on GBIF and the IPT is offline, I contacted GBIF's helpdesk asking for a copy of it. By doing a quick inspection directly on GBIF there are several quality issues like:

Other observations

This is a promising source, be we need to first find out what may have happened to the data endpoint.

Interestingly COL source for ants is ITIS, and ITIS source is Ohio nomenclator but has not been updated since 2001 and has a very low amount of synonyms.

Captura de pantalla 2023-09-01 a la(s) 7 11 25 a m

This definitely needs a revision with the source authors, and probably later with the Taxonomy group

camiplata commented 3 months ago

Norm Johnson is in process of retiring so It looks like we will not be able to add in this sources. Ed and Matt Blister had a work plan to propose him migrate his databases to TaxonWorks. I have no updates on this regard since nov 2023

camiplata commented 3 weeks ago

I ask a month ago about how was this going and got no response, Right now looks like antcat will be taken as the new source for ants, so this datasets have less priority.

I will close the issues as we have already move as far as we can.