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Discussion - Should Fund 7 Proposals considered for sponsorship by Circle ? #66

Closed stephen-rowan closed 2 years ago

stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

Fund 7 Proposals considered for sponsorship by Circle

Circle Infrastructure Proposals

1) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - CC Admin Team Scope Expansion -

8) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Cv3: Sustaining the Circle

9) F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms - Catalyst Circle - Funding Mechanism


2) - F7: Improve and Grow Auditability - Community Governance Oversight

7) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Incentivized Voting Survey (with AIM)

12) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Open Source Development Ecosystem

13) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Reputation System

14) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Community Events

15) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Community Advisor Improvements

AllisonFromm commented 2 years ago

7) F7: Miscellaneous Challange - Catalyst Circle Mentorship

8) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Incentivized Voting Survey (with AIM)

whitevo commented 2 years ago

WITHDRAWN proposals: 11) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Catalyst Circle v4 Election Tool 16) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - ADA Holders CC Representative

stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

Define Process by which Circle Proposals are sponsored

Circle Infrastructure Proposals

Community Proposal

Circle member Initiative


stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

Sponsorship of community proposals

1) Ask community for list of proposals 2) Individual CC members select proposals 3a) Read and assess them - asks the question whether it improves Catalyst Processes 3b) What Challenges the community would like to support and are most important 4) Take it to Circle - coincide with end of VCA - the proposal has to have 4.2 stars 5) What assessment is Circle adding ? 6) Vote on it