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vCA Resolution Process Implementation: the VPA Process Needs An RP and Feedback Loop #79

Closed nadiahopkins closed 2 years ago

nadiahopkins commented 2 years ago

Involved members of the CA/vCA community came together in F8 to address the issue of creating an accountability process for vCAs who were flagged as outliers to the norms of the vCA process.

That discussion was held in a vCA Implementable Solutions ATH session, which can be viewed here:

The group suggested that Nadia Hopkins should take a request to the Catalyst Circle that the group serve as an arbitration body for these circumstances so that an external, non-biased body could review the circumstances when they arose.

She did this in the March 17th CC meeting. She was advised by CC that a task force be formed to serve this purpose, rather than the circle, because some members of the circle were also vCAs.

She took this response back to the vCA group, took feedback on what this could produce, and drafted this proposal for a Flagging/Filtering Arbitration System

The document was presented to the community and discussed at the March 23rd ATH, which can be viewed here:

Group decision during this meeting was to instead form a resolution process by which flagged vCAs could respond to potentially being excluded, and that this process would be founded in the new vCA Guide.

That can be found here on Page 7:

This was put into place for the F8 process to be tested and reflected on following the close of the process. This problem was addressed and is now closed.

nadiahopkins commented 2 years ago

Follow Up to Resolution Process Implementation:

The vCA Resolution Process was run in F8. 7 Petitions were drafted, and 6 Petitions were heard in community-attended RP sessions.

Documented Outcomes: The full details and outcomes, including recordings, documentation and voting results, can be found in this document:

Improvements Draft: The PA community began a draft for an improved petitions process for F9. The draft of that can be found here:

Future vPA Process Improvements:

Several groups have formed around solving for the vPA process-related issues moving into F9.

Those issues are currently located here:

Once they become prioritized problems, they will be able to be found here in the future: