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Initiate a Code of Conduct for Catalyst Circle Members #83

Open harriswarren opened 2 years ago

harriswarren commented 2 years ago

The Circle should initiate a code of conduct for Catalyst Circle Members to be reviewed by the community.

harriswarren commented 2 years ago

Include Sub-Circle Members Include Circle Relationship with Catalyst Proposals

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have made a first pass at a Code of Conduct document. It is a lot like a duck-billed platypus (it's neither a Beaver or a Duck but the two smashed together in some odd form) in that I cannibalized parts of this communities documents and one I downloaded from SHRM (The Society for Human Resource Management). Please feel free to toss, edit, etc as you see fit. Hope it helps.

Please refer to the comment below for current status -

EJChessher commented 2 years ago

I have updated the Code of Conduct to include a statement about Minors and added a revision date. Code of Conduct - Catalyst Circle_04-08-22.docx

Please refer to the comment below for current status -

xeeban commented 2 years ago

I think the whistleblower policy as written can use some stronger guidelines and protections. I think there needs to be a framework of safety set up so people cannot be retaliated against for raising legitimate issues. Both whistleblowers and anyone who acts in ways that make it unsafe for whistleblowers need to know that there will be a procedure for the community to protect whistleblowers as well as a mechanism to take corrective actions against bad actors that make it unsafe to raise concerns.

dimitrifernando commented 2 years ago

As i have stated in a previous document "whistleblower" cannot be used for every accusation. Whistleblower protection is only if there is reasonable belief that the offender is large and powerful enough to cause physical or bodily harm to the revealer of the offense of the big organization or individual . E,g scientists working inside Big Tobacco speaking out , execs in Big Agro speaking out, doctors or nurses working in Big Abortion speaking out. There is reasonable belief that the organizations can harm them in some way. Therefore they do not disclose their identity until grand jury..

This is so far from the Cardano community its incomprehensible. Who here can bring about this sort of harm to any member of the community? I doubt even if someone accused Charles Hoskinson himself, that he could take any action to cause actual harm against anyone...

I disagree with any whistleblower practice used to bring accusations couched in term of "concerns" . This will only bring about all sorts of accusations causing people to make accusations without identity.

In any court of law , the accused has the right to face the accuser. The accuser, whether an individual or state prosecutor, has to clearly state the charges against a defendant, and the defendant has right to counsel. THe defendant and his counsel have a right to receive all the evidence of the prosecution to prepare a defense...

This by definition means that the accuser is known.

Whistleblower protection would only arise in a situation where by knowing that person, the accused, could reach out across the continents, find the accuser, and cause them bodily harm.

dimitrifernando commented 2 years ago

Is this the place where people will be expected to comment on the CoC? In which case, how will @nadiahopkins and my skeleton document be fleshed out? Is it going to be fleshed out on Thursday and then put for public comment?

stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

Some principles that have been developed by the Circles so far that have relevance to a Code of Conduct for Circle Members

  1. Outside of CC meetings you can comment on, discuss and problem sense Prioritized Problems. But changing the status of a Prioritized Problem is an activity that is done in CC meetings. This involves moving a Problem across the board or deciding to close it. This is done for reasons of transparency and accountability.
  2. In a CC meeting Circle Reps are meant to speak to the Problems on the board. Particularly the ones that their community owns. When discussing a Problem bear in mind that it is supposed to arise from your community and your primary responsibility is to reflect all the views of that community on that issue. Try not to just state your own view.
  3. Prioritized Problems are meant to be sensed from the community so any new Problem raised should refer to a community rationale and concerns not solely an individual’s concerns.
stephen-rowan commented 2 years ago

How Circle are proceeding with the Code of Conduct following the meeting of Thursday 14th April 2022

  1. Circle v3 are reviewing and asynchronously contributing to a basic framing "Code of Conduct" draft that follows a problem writing rubrik (see below).
  2. A draft will be finalized next Thursday 21st April 2022 in a recorded/livestreamed session at 15:30UTC
  3. The document will then be released to the community for comment/contribution.
  4. And an After Town Hall with the community will follow to discuss further on Wednesday, April 27th 2022

Problem writing rubrik

Rank in Catalyst Context

Why is solving this problem important to the mission of Project Catalyst?

Problem Statement

Can you articulate the gap between the current state and the expected or envisioned state?

Solution Statement?

How might the value of solving this problem be quantified and/or measured?

dimitrifernando commented 2 years ago

I am still not seeing Nadia's and my draft document as done on Monday 11th. There is no link here. Am I missing something?