Catalyst-Circle / Catalyst-Prioritized-Problems

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Community Outreach Reporting & KPIs #91

Open xeeban opened 2 years ago

xeeban commented 2 years ago

We need to be able to show our work to the community beyond these meetings.

As raised by Lido, we need to show the outreach work we are doing and define appropriate KPIs so the community can track our work - I am not referring to problems brought into the circle but the outreach and the communication with our respective communities.

To help people understand what we do better, we need clearly defined and trackable work that we can report on that can hold us accountable to the work we are doing for the communities and Catalyst.

This Problem sensing board is great but doesn't really show the full scope of work that we do

Should we report numbers of Meetings? Discussions? Surveys? Spaces? Calls?

How can we define KPIs that we agree are relevant to everyone and appropriate for the work expected of us(?), so that we can be more transparent to the community and change the current negative narrative brought about by misunderstanding and lack of presentable results.

Should we have targets for our output based on KPIs?

What would be appropriate given the amount of work expected of us and time we are expected to dedicate?

How can we track our work to show the positive impact we have on the community rather than let misinformed narrative cast a bad light on the work we are doing?

Are we actually fulfilling the role assigned of us?

Are we necessary for Catalyst and do we actually addressing a need to our respective communities

These are leading questions and not accusatory but it seems very relevant to be addressing these based on the feedback we have received from the community.

rhystmorgan commented 2 years ago

Twitter / Reddit / CForum Broadcast - weekly or fortnightly boreadcast of our updates, the work we are doing and links to all of the relevant material - QADao / Github Board / TH etc